Lena Wilson, former chief executive of economic development agency Scottish Enterprise, has become chair of one of Scotland’s major publicly quoted companies.

Aberdeen-based bus and rail company FirstGroup announced this morning that, “following a comprehensive search process”, Ms Wilson will be joining its board as chair on February 1 next year.

It noted that Ms Wilson is currently a non-executive director and remuneration committee chair at Royal Bank of Scotland owner NatWest Group and also the chair of Picton Property Income.

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FirstGroup said: “Lena is an experienced director and chair, having held roles on listed and private companies for over a decade, serving on the boards of Scottish Power Renewables Limited and Intertek Group plc and chairing AGS Airports Limited.

“Lena was chief executive of Scottish Enterprise from 2009 to 2017 and, prior to that, was a senior investment advisor to The World Bank in Washington DC.”

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Ms Wilson said she is “very pleased to be joining the board of FirstGroup as chair".

She added: “ I am excited about the opportunities that exist to deliver public transport services for our customers and employees in a sector that is vitally important to the nation’s economy and to continue the good progress the group has made over recent years.”

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FirstGroup noted that, further to the announcement on July 26, outgoing chairman David Martin retired from the board “at close of business yesterday”.

Peter Lynas, senior independent director of FirstGroup, said: “We are delighted that Lena will be joining us to chair our board, bringing substantial experience from both the public and private sector combined with a strong track record as a non-executive director. We also thank David Martin for his service to the group over the last five years.”

FirstGroup said: “Until Lena joins the board, Peter Lynas will act as chair of the board.”