A new road safety campaign has been launched by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Safety Camera Programme as they look to improve driver behaviour. 

The aim is to cut down on the number of deaths on Scotland's roads with the message being that you only have to lose control once to lose your life or cause someone else to lose their life. 

Drivers are being urged to slow down with research released showing that dropping by just five miles per hour can half the number of fatalities on Scotland's roads. 

But what is the campaign and what is it mainly aimed at? 

What is the new campaign?

The new campaign has been launched in conjunction with the Scottish Government and the Scottish Safety Camera Programme with the Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop and the head of road policing, Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan, both speaking at the launch.

The aim is to improve road safety with speeding in particular being targeted.

Speeding deaths

According to the data released, speeding is a contributing factor in one in five road deaths across Scotland.

The new campaign is urging people to slow down with the main message being ‘You only have to lose control once’.

Research has also shown that fatal collisions caused by drivers travelling at 65mph could be halved if drivers slowed down by just 5mph.

Now the Government will look to tackle that with their new advert and greater awareness of road safety cameras with more than 300 across the country.

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Rural road issues

Rural roads are a major issue when it comes to deaths on Scotland’s roads. While 44% of all casualties take place on rural roads, they account for almost three quarters of deaths (74%) because speeds are higher on them.

The campaign is looking to ensure people slow down on these roads and have improve their behaviours by driving more safely throughout the country. 

Why safety cameras are important

Global research has shown that camera sites led to 42 percent less fatal or serious injuries over a four-year period, while fixed camera sites reduced the number of speeders by 70% over the same time period.

There are more than 300 safety camera locations across Scotland, placed where there is evidence of injury collisions and speeding and where they have the greatest potential to reduce casualties.

Despite this, 119 cameras were switched off across Scotland because of improved driver behaviour and more speed compliance.

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