Culture Secretary Angus Robertson met with trade union leaders on Thursday, in what could prove to be a major step forward in securing vital funding for Scotland’s artists and performers. 

The crunch talks came amidst a colourful rally outside the Scottish Parliament, which saw hundreds gather to protest the government’s “u-turn” on funding cuts.

On Wednesday, Robertson announced that £6.6 million which had been cut from the Creative Scotland budget last October would be restored. This has allowed the organisation to relaunch its “Open Fund”, the closure of which last month sparked panic among many in the arts and culture sector.

He also announced that Creative Scotland, which has been buffeted by scandal in recent months, would undergo a review for the first time in fourteen years. The troubled quango was roundly criticised earlier this year after it was revealed that more than £84,000 was spent to bankroll ‘Rein’, a controversial art installation that was set to feature a number of “non-simulated” sex scenes.

Marlene Curran, National Officer for performers’ union Equity Scotland, said that Thursday’s impromptu conversation was “very, very positive.”

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“Because of the rally, [Robertson] came down and offered us a meeting. He understands the fight of the freelancers and is committed to continuing the funding of the arts.”

While Curran appreciates that the government is unable to guarantee future funding, she told The Herald that the meeting “shows a bit of commitment.”

However, Curran added, politicians need to “put their money where their mouth is” come budget time.

“The proof is in the pudding,” she quipped.

Curran said that Robertson’s announcement that Creative Scotland would undergo a review was “welcomed.”

“Any review of our culture body is a good thing… We want a sustainable and secure body which is functional and can give freelancers and the industry [the funding they need].”

“We are taking yesterday’s announcement as a win, which was only possible because of the pressure of Equity, our sister unions, and the arts industry as a whole.”

Despite positive signs, many artists continue to feel that the government is not listening to their pleas for additional support. Speaking to The Herald, actor and writer Cora Bissett said the government needs to “really prove” they value the arts.

She remarked:  "We host the biggest arts festival in the world, and Scottish productions at that arts festival soar time and time and time again. 

"But it's not just about the Fringe, it's about arts throughout the communities. It's about arts in a mental health context. It's all the various ways in which we do that. 

"They say that they value us, but we need the absolute bulletproof long term commitment, because we are floating on the wind otherwise. 

"Most of us are juggling five different jobs at any one time, and when one bit of the jigsaw puzzle falls... We're not making empty threats. There will be a talent drain, we'll just have to go elsewhere… and then you've got a very weak looking country."

Protesters gather outside of HolyroodProtesters gather outside of Holyrood (Image: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty)

Musician and writer Martin Green added: “I think we are in a better position than we were 48 hours ago. There's no denying that. However, I think one of the things that is easily overlooked is how culture works, not just as a job. 

"A lot of the time when people's jobs are under threat, you get events like this, people stand up. That's great, but actually, culture is the framework of a society…. And if the infrastructure isn't there for that then you get increasingly fragmented societies. 

"And that's genuinely dangerous. So I think that, yes, one of the things that we need to keep saying is, you know, money aside, this is just vital, and let's celebrate it and let's recognise it."

Curran agrees. She said: “This is our members' livelihoods… [The arts are] vitally important. During the pandemic, what did people turn to? Art and television and magazines. Without the arts, it would have been a much darker time.”

“Art gets people together. It stops the loneliness. It is in care homes and community centres.”

Reacting to Wednesday’s announcement, Creative Scotland chief executive Iain Munro said: “Creative Scotland notes the intention to review the way the sector is supported and we look forward to hearing more details. We welcome the continued commitment to provide an additional £100m in funding for culture and will work with the Scottish Government on the effective allocation of that funding, to the benefit of culture and creativity in Scotland."

Culture Secretary Angus Robertson said: "I was pleased to meet with culture workers, campaigners and trade unionists today to re-iterate the Scottish Government's commitment to invest at least £100 million annually in the arts and culture by 2028-29.

“Following yesterday’s Programme for Government, I was also delighted to confirm the release to Creative Scotland of £1.8 million for youth music, and £6.6 million that will allow its Open Fund to be re-opened.

“I want to extend my thanks to all the campaigners who have worked so hard to highlight the importance of our creative industries, and look forward to continuing to work with them to help sustain, develop and innovate Scotland’s culture sector in the years to come.”