The Scottish Government have been told ‘years of inaction’ has led to it needing to make changes to climate targets by 2030.

WWF Scotland say that the burden is now on other countries to reduce emissions and believes it delays benefits to Scots. It comes as the Scottish Government announced legislation to amend the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, in response to advice that Scotland’s interim emissions reduction target for 2030 was beyond what could be achieved.

Gillian Martin, the Acting Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, insists the government’s commitment to ending Scotland’s contribution to global emissions by 2045 remains ‘unwavering’. Situations such as extremely cold winters and unexpected events such as the Covid-19 pandemic have been blamed for fluctuating annual emissions targets which are being branded as ‘vulnerable’.

The bill now seeks to limit the amount of greenhouses gases emitted over a five-year period.

Ms Martin said: “Our commitment to ending Scotland’s contribution to global emissions by 2045 at the latest, as agreed by Parliament on a cross-party basis, is unwavering.

“We are now halfway to net zero and continue to be ahead of the UK as a whole in delivering long term emissions reductions.

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“However, it is crucial that our target pathway to 2045 is set at a pace and scale that is feasible and reflects the latest independent advice. 

“Carbon budgets are an established model for assessment of emissions reductions used by other nations including Japan, France, and Wales.

“We will continue leading on climate action that is fair, ambitious and capable of rising to the emergency before us, and reflects our commitment to the ambition of credible emissions reduction. We are maintaining our commitment to a just transition to net zero and progressing our international work on climate change.”

It’s not enough for the WWF, though, and it insists that they need to see ‘real action’ from the Scottish Government and believe the new bill must come with increased action to ensure the targets aren’t missed in the same way.

Lang Banks, director of WWF Scotland said: “Years of inaction have led to the Scottish Government having to make these changes to its climate targets.  The proposed bill must come with increased action to get emissions falling now to ensure that these new targets aren’t also missed.

“By not achieving our 2030 ambition, there’s an increased burden on other countries to reduce their emissions, and only delays the benefits for people in Scotland like warmer homes and cleaner air. It is vital that we now see real action from the Scottish Government by kickstarting the clean heat transition and reforming agricultural policy.

“News of potential job losses at Mitsubishi’s clean heat factory in Livingston underlines the need for clear policy direction and regulation to give business confidence.  Only by providing this clarity can we create and protect jobs in Scotland in the industries we will need to get to net zero.”