Meanbh-chuileag, Fèisean nan Gàidheal's theatre-in-education service for Second Level Gaelic Medium pupils, is back on tour with a new story about the history of the Stone of Destiny and its removal from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1950.

The tour of new play Cà' Deach a' Chlach? (Where Did the Stone Go?) is visiting more than 35 primary schools across the country this year, from Edinburgh to Tiree and Daliburgh to Kilmarnock.

Cà' Deach a' Chlach?, which takes its title from a well-known Gaelic song composed by Dòmhnall Ruadh Phàislig (Donald MacIntyre, the Paisley Bard), focuses on two characters who were instrumental in the plot to return the Stone of Destiny to Scotland, Ian Hamilton and Kay Matheson, a Gaelic speaking primary school teacher originally from Inverasdale by Loch Ewe. They felt very strongly about independence for Scotland and felt the act would send a strong message to the UK Government.

None of the four involved in the removal of the stone were ever punished for it. Although the Stone of Destiny was almost immediately returned to London upon its discovery, it was finally returned to Scotland in 1996 and, since March 2024, it has been on display at the brand-new Perth Museum.

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The news of the new exhibition provided inspiration to Fèisean nan Gàidheal's Drama Officer, Angus MacLeod, and prompted him to write about the story.

He said: "When I read that the stone was due to return to Perthshire back in March I thought it would be interesting to produce a play based on the subject.

"I first became aware of the story of the stone through Roddy Campbell's version of Òran na Cloiche, a well-known Gaelic song about the event composed by Dòmhnall Ruadh Phàislig. 

"A rendition of this song will feature in the play thanks to the musical talents of the actors."

The play is being brought to life by Claire Frances MacNeil (OMC!, Pròiseact Plòigh) and Fergus Munro (Passion, Salt and Light), two actors well-versed in Fèisean nan Gàidheal's drama tours and other Fèisgoil projects.