A Hamilton firm which has grown to become one of Europe’s leading players in recycling complex metal alloys and superalloys is celebrating 60 years in business.

Ireland Alloys is marking the milestone with the announcement of a series of investments which it said are designed to enhance its operational capacity and ensure continued growth in a competitive market.

The company, which since 2014 has been part of Jacob Metal Group, is investing £2.4 million in a roof replacement and electrical plant upgrade, set to be finished by early 2025, to underpin its expanding operations.

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A new full turnings processing line at a cost of £1.8m will also be installed and fully operational by February next year. The new line will enhance the company’s capacity to process complex metal turnings and reinforce its position for recycling high-value materials, the firm said.

Ireland Alloys turned over £52m in its last financial year.

Managing director Stuart Douglas said: “Celebrating 60 years in business is a tremendous achievement for any company, and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. Our recent investments underscore our commitment to growth, innovation, and sustainability.

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“As we look to the future, we are excited about the opportunities to expand our presence in the global market, continuing to build on the trusted relationships we have established over the past six decades and working closely with the wider Jacob Metal Group.”