New figures released by Network Rail reveal that animals trespassed on Scotland’s Railway 239 times in the 12 months to the end of March this year.

The animals range from cats to birds, cows, dogs, deer, a hedgehog and a goat.

However, people were by far the worst offenders, with more than 2,692 incidents – equivalent to seven every day.

Cats ranked as the next worst offenders with 67 incidents followed by deer (63 incidents), who tend to live in high numbers across rural, forested areas, which commonly run alongside the railway.

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Helen Hamlin, Network Rail’s operations chief, said: “Trespassing on the railway is a serious offence that causes delays to thousands of trains every year and can be very costly for people – causing death and life changing injuries due to the railways many hidden dangers.

“This summer, when we see trespass at its peak our message is clear whoever you are: child, adult, dog walker, holiday maker or beast – stay off the tracks.”

Other trespassers included birds (13), swans (14), dogs (10), pigs (6), foxes (3), a goat (1) and a hedgehog (1).