The deputy chair of the Scottish Conservatives has stepped back from her position to show her support for Russell Findlay in his campaign to lead the party.

Pam Gosal confirmed she has taken a leave of absence from her role within the party while writing for the Daily Mail today. The West of Scotland MSP says she believes Mr Findlay is the only candidate who can ‘unite us, lead us forward and get our party winning again.’

She wrote: “Russell has the support of far more MSPs than other candidates. He’s got the backing of dozens of councillors too. And I know our party members are behind him.”

It’s a boost for Mr Findlay in his bid to win control of the party as he goes up against Murdo Fraser and Meghan Gallacher as all three look to replace Douglas Ross as leader. Mr Ross had revealed he would be quitting his role ahead of the last general election when he decided to stand – and lost his bid – for a seat at Westminster.

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Ms Gosal is the 12th MSP to share their support for Mr Findlay having followed Edinburgh MSPs Miles Briggs and Sue Webber, Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Alexander Stewart, Highlands and Islands MSP Tim Eagle, North East MSPs Tess White and Douglas Lumsden, Scottish Borders MSP Rachael Hamilton, Dumfriesshire MSP Oliver Mundell, Ayrshire MSP Sharon Dowey, and Glasgow MSPs Annie Wells and Sandesh Gulhane.

He also has the support of West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine MP Andrew Bowie and Dumfries and Galloway MP John Cooper.

Mr Findlay has also won the backing of Dumfries & Galloway Council leader Gail Macgregor, South Ayrshire Council leader Martin Dowey, and dozens of other councillors across Scotland.

Alasdair Locke, who is the Scottish Tories biggest donor and a leading businessman, has also pledged his support, as have other long-term donors and highly-respected figures such as Alan Massie and Robert Kilgour.

And Mr Findlay said: "I am hugely appreciative of the support from my colleague Pam Gosal MSP.

"I'm incredibly grateful to have the backing of a dozen MSP colleagues, alongside party members and supporters across the country.

"I'm standing to unite our party at every level and bring Conservatives together behind my positive vision for a new common-sense policy platform that champions aspiration, opportunity and decency."