A “vital” union education centre in Glasgow has been saved following talking between trade union representatives and City of Glasgow College.

The Trade Union Education Centre (TUEC) has been housed at City of Glasgow College and operated through a partnership between the college and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC). The centre provides training for union representatives and members from across Scotland, offering a variety of diploma courses, short courses and trainings, and online courses.

However, its continued existence was under threat as college bosses sought to cut costs.

City of Glasgow College claimed that the centre was costing more than £100,000 per year and suffered from low uptake of courses, but campaigners accused college management of blocking the enrolment of new students.

Trade unionists and academics came out strongly in favour of preserving the TUC EC, with many writing open letters to politicians and First Minister John Swinney calling for intervention, while a local MSP wrote to the college’s principal urging him to protect the “invaluable” institution.

However, the future of the centre has now been secured thanks to a new partnership agreement between City of Glasgow College and Trades Union Congress (TUC), supported by the STUC.

A statement confirming the news notes that all parties have “committed to resource Trade Union Education to ensure its continued viability at the College.”

City of Glasgow College Principal Dr Paul Little said:

“I'm really pleased that this new partnership agreement means that this specialist education provision can continue at our College, and I am heartened by the additional resource and the buy in of the trade union movement.”

Roz Foyer, General Secretary of the STUC, said:

“We welcome that the City of Glasgow College has committed to playing its part in delivering high quality trade union rep education which is so vital to the Fair Work agenda in Scotland.”