Trade union leaders and college management are due to meet to discuss the status of a training centre for union staff and representatives. The talks have been described as “crucial” by campaigners who warn that the future of the institution “hangs in the balance.”

Earlier today, the Save the Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre campaign called on City of Glasgow College principal Dr Paul Little to personally attend the meeting.

The Herald can now confirm that Dr Little will be present for the talks.

The Trade Union Education Centre (TUEC) has been housed at City of Glasgow College and operated through a partnership between the college and the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC). The centre provides training for union representatives and members from across Scotland, offering a variety of diploma courses, short courses and trainings, and online courses.

However, the college is now seeking to cut costs and opened a consultation on closing the centre. It has previously claimed that the centre has cost the college more than £100,000 per year to operate, with “less than 10% of these operating costs being covered by the TUC.”

Trade unionists and academics came out strongly in favour of preserving the TUC EC, with many writing open letters to politicians and First Minister John Swinney calling for intervention.

Last week, those seeking to save the centre, which college management says has suffered from low uptake of courses, said that it has been “inundated by unions seeking to book courses”. However, they claimed that senior management had “blocked” plans to enrol new students.

Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary, also argued that the college has been given proposals that would “generate a surplus for the centre” and “help sustain it for many years to come.”

Talks are now planned for Tuesday 27 August between college management and STUC representatives, and campaigners are “demanding that the college principal attend this meeting in person and engage directly with the STUC.”

In a statement issued this morning, a spokesperson for the Save the Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre campaign said:

"We expect the principal to face up to his responsibilities and engage in these talks with the seriousness they deserve. The centre has proven its worth time and again in workplaces across the country and our plans clearly show that it can continue to be financially viable. Now is the time for the college to show its commitment to supporting working people, not turning its back on them."

A City of Glasgow College spokesperson said:

"We are committed to working with the trade unions to find a solution to safeguard the TUC Education Centre’s future and have assured staff that while consultations are ongoing with the STUC and TUC, the Centre will indeed remain open. We have also provided a guarantee that there will be no compulsory redundancies in this academic year.

“The TUC Education Centre is currently operating at an annual loss to the College of circa £120,000, and unless additional, long-term funding is forthcoming, it is financially unsustainable.

“Less than 10% of these operating costs are covered by the TUC and demand for these courses has fallen by over 70% since 2018/19.  As we operate within finite public funding, tough choices have to be made about those courses that are declining and/or underperforming.

"In discussions with the STUC and TUC they have not yet been able to come up with a viable plan to help safeguard the Centre's future, but further talks are scheduled and we remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached which makes the Centre financially sustainable.

“Last month, the Scottish Government provided the STUC with £2.38 million in annual funding to support workplace learning and promote fair work. If the STUC used a small fraction of this fund it would secure the financial viability of the Centre.”