A rapist who sexually abused young girls as young as four and raped two women over the course of 43 years has been jailed.

Michael Conway was found guilty of 14 charges on June 11 following a trial at the High Court in Livingston, and has now been given a sentence of 18 years with 14 of those to be in custody. The 66-year-old targeted his victims in the West Lothian area between the late 1970s and 2021.

His child victims were aged between four and 14 when the abuse started. He also repeatedly raped and assaulted one woman, including on occasions when she was asleep and unable to give consent.

The 14 charges he was convicted of include two for assault and rape, five for indecent assault, two for lewd, indecent and libidinous practices, two under the criminal law act and three under separate sexual assault acts.

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The paedophile was convicted of using indecent behaviour towards four girls under the age of 16 and two further sexual assault charges against two other children.

He appeared at the High Court in Glasgow to be sentenced and his name has also been added to the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Scotland’s Procurator Fiscal for High Court Sexual Offences, Katrina Parkes, said:  “Michael Conway is an opportunistic abuser who exploited his position of trust to sexually offend against these women and young girls. 

“Despite his depraved actions inflicting unimaginable trauma, the victims showed incredibly bravery giving evidence which has ensured he has now been convicted and held accountable. 

“We would urge any victim of similar crime not to suffer in silence but to report it, no matter how long ago the offences occurred.

“You will be listened to and supported as we seek to secure justice using all the tools available to us.”