More than 5000 lightning strikes have been recorded in the last 24 hours across the UK as a weather warning issued by the Met Office ends.

After temperatures in Scotland reached as high as 23 degrees on Sunday, the Met Office issued an alert for thunderstorms and lighting which remained in place until 1pm today.

The yellow alert covered all of Scotland and most of northern England, and was in place since 2 am on Monday morning.

READ MORE: Scotland's weather to see thunderstorms roll across country


The Scottish Environment Protection Agency also issued flood alerts for 18 different areas in the country.

The Met Office has now confirmed that there have been more than 5,000 lightning strikes recorded, with most believed to be in Scotland.

A statement said: “Thunderstorms and torrential downpours are affecting parts of the UK this morning with a warning in place across Scotland and northern England.

“Over 5000 lightning strikes have been recorded in the last 24 hours across the UK, the majority of these in northern areas.”

(Image: Met Office)

While the warning was in place for all of Scotland, experts confirmed that not all areas covered would see lightning strikes or thunderstorms.

All remaining thunderstorms are expected to clear towards the northeast by Monday afternoon.