The Scottish Government have been accused of ‘long-term neglect’ after the number of full-time police officers fell to the lowest number since 2007.

The latest figures released by Scotland’s Chief Statistician show there were 16,207 full-time equivalent (FTE) police officers employed by Police Scotland on June 30, which was a decrease of 148 since March 31.

The data shows the number has reduced by 392 since June 30 last year and Justice Secretary Angela Constance admits she was ‘disappointed’ by the figures.

It also reveals the number of FTE officers is now lower than had been employed in Scotland on March 31 2007 – just before the SNP took power.

But Police Scotland has said the current strength of the force is about 16,400 officers due to new starts.

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Deputy Chief Constable Alan Speirs said: “We have set out plans to recruit over 1300 new officers in 2024-25, the highest number Police Scotland has recruited in a single year.

“Last month, we welcomed over 250 new probationary constables into Police Scotland and our officer strength is now around 16,400.

“The chief constable has been clear that increasing officer numbers is a focus and, at the same time, we are pressing change that strengthens the frontline by redirecting resources or delivering efficiencies.”

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay said: “This is further damning evidence of the SNP’s shameful long-term neglect of policing in Scotland.

“Allowing officer numbers to plummet to a record low will only make our streets less safe.

“The Scottish Conservatives are committed to reversing the damaging decline in officer numbers that has occurred since the SNP came to power in 2007, by committing to put an extra 1,000 officers on the streets.”

Ms Constance said: “I am disappointed with these figures as our record police funding of £1.55 billion this year enabled Police Scotland to restart recruitment and increase officer numbers.

“However, I understand that there are specific circumstances around this number which means this is a short-term reduction.

“Police pension changes, which are out of the control of the Scottish Government, have led to more leavers.

“A welcome increase of four weeks in the police initial training course has also affected this set of figures.

“Police Scotland is set to take on more recruits this year than at any time since 2013 and they have stated that current officer numbers are about 16,400.

“Scotland continues to have more police officers per capita than England and Wales and they are the best paid at all levels.”