What is your Fringe show about?

It’s about trying to be cool, and what that means as a Gen Z.

I talk about clout, not fitting in at school and seeking bizarre validation through drugs and rap music.

I also talk more broadly about how young people celebrate trauma and personality disorders, as well as why we seem a little uncaring when it comes to current affairs.

There’s still a month to go til Fringe though, so that could all change. I think every time I’ve been asked what my show is about I’ve answered differently. Just come for the jokes.

How many times/many years have you appeared at the Fringe?

I’ve only done a full show once, in 2022. But from ages 7-14 I performed with the Comedy Club 4 Kids and told lots of jokes about toilets. I’ll still be doing them this year.

What’s your most memorable moment from the Fringe?

Winning So You Think You’re Funny in 2019 - 20ccs of steroids in my ego. There was a huge after party with all my favourite comics congratulating me. Since then, everything has been a crushing disappointment.

What’s the worst thing about the Fringe?

I’m guessing most comedians will say the price, so I’ll say flyering to be #not-like-the-other-girls. It’s just industrial-scale rejection. I hate that pitying look people give you, as if to say “Oh you’re funny too, are you?”

If you were not a performer what would you be doing?

If I’m still allowed to be a YouTuber, I’d do that. I’d probably have a much better channel if I didn’t spend so much time on stand-up. If that’s against the rules I’d probably be sucked into the black hole of creativity that is advertising.

How do you prepare for a performance?

Half-pint. Double espresso. Restless pacing. Shitpost in group chats. Edit my Hinge prompts. Primal scream.

Favourite thing about being in Edinburgh?

Seeing shows. I see about 3 a day when I’m up. Other comedians think I’m nuts for it, but I don’t understand why. I’m married to the game.

What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve ever done?

I’m only half-Scottish, but I do pull English people up on it when they say “cannae”. It sounds so cringe in a southern accent.

Favourite Scottish food/drink?

My Dad’s from Aberdeen so either skirlie or rowies. I tried to make skirlie myself the other day and completely messed it up. Now I just have a huge bag of oats that I don’t want.

Sum up your show in three words

Pick-me white boy Finlay Christie’s new stand-up show ‘I Deserve This’ is at Monkey Barrell 4 @ 10.40pm until 25th August for tickets go to www.edfringe.com

@finlaycomedy  @finlaycomedy on Instagram. YouTube channel is called Finlay Christie