A man has been arrested after a crash on the M8 left a police officer fighting for his life.

The three-car collision occurred on the eastbound motorway near junction 13 at Provan, Glasgow, at about 1.10pm on Wednesday.

An unmarked Volvo S90 police car and a Mercedes CLS were on the hard shoulder of the eastbound carriageway when a Mercedes A45 collided with the vehicles.

Three men were travelling in the A45 and two of them are said to have fled but were later traced. All three were taken to hospital, with one in a critical condition and another serious.

A 27-year-old man who left the scene was arrested in connection with alleged road traffic offences.

READ MORE: Police body issues statement after officers injured in M8 crash

He was released pending further inquiries but has since been arrested and charged in connection with an unrelated matter and is due to appear in Glasgow Sheriff Court on Friday.

Two police officers and two men from the CLS were taken to hospital in Glasgow.

A 48-year-old police officer and a 43-year-old man, a member of the public, remain in a critical condition.

A 38-year-old officer and a 31-year-old man have both been discharged from hospital following treatment.

Police Scotland has refused to comment on the circumstances as the crash, which has been referred to Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.

The eastbound carriageway was closed for around 12 hours to allow inquiries to be carried out.

Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan, head of road policing for Police Scotland, said: “Our thoughts remain with our colleagues and members of the public who were injured in this incident.

“The collision occurred on a busy part of the M8 during the middle of the day. I am appealing to anyone who saw what happened or has information, and has not already spoken to officers, to please come forward.

“Additionally, please contact us if you have any dashcam or CCTV footage relating to this incident that could assist our investigation.

“Extensive inquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances of what happened.”

Information can be passed to Police Scotland by calling 101 and quoting reference number 1672 of July 24.

An online portal has been set up to enable the public to send information directly to the investigation team. Anyone doing so can choose to remain anonymous.

The link can be accessed at: https://mipp.police.uk/operation/SCOT24S06-PO1.