One of Glasgow’s busiest bridges is on track to re-open to traffic next month.

Network Rail and its contractor, Story Contracting, are now in the final phase of a £12.6 million project to replace the structure on Shields Road.

The bridge carries Shields Road over the City Union railway, which is used by freight trains and empty passenger trains travelling to and from depots. 

The bridge had been subject to a weight restriction for 25 years prior to its demolition in Easter.

Since then, engineers have craned in the new bridge deck, installed new parapets (side walls) and put new overhead line equipment underneath the bridge.

READ MORE: Mass disruption to ScotRail services across Scotland

Ahead of its reopening next month, utilities such as gas, electricity and telecoms will be moved onto the bridge and the new road surface will be laid.

Laura Craig, Network Rail’s project manager, said: “It’s fantastic to reach this stage in our work to rebuild the Shields Road bridge.

“Now that it’s in place, we’re reinstalling the gas, electricity and telecoms pipes and cabling before the new road surface is laid, ahead of the bridge reopening in late August.

“We’re grateful to our neighbours and the local community for their patience whilst the road has been closed.” 

The newly installed bridge will have wider footpaths, higher and safer kerbs, and a dedicated two-way cycle lane.