Russell Findlay has announced that he is standing for the Scottish Conservative leadership as the party looks to replace Douglas Ross.

Mr Ross announced he would stand down as leader after deciding to stand for the Westminster seat of Aberdeenshire North and Moray East after David Duguid was de-selected following illness.

Mr Findlay is a former journalist who worked for STV, the Scottish Sun and the Sunday Mail for 30 years.

In 2015 he was the victim of an acid attack on his doorstep following his reporting on Glasgow gangs.

William Burns was sentenced to 10 years in prison having disguised himself as a postal worker and thrown sulphuric acid on Mr Findlay before attacking him with a knife.

Russell Findlay days after he was attacked by sulpuric acid on his doorstepRussell Findlay days after he was attacked by sulpuric acid on his doorstep

Mr Findlay has been an MSP since 2021 when he was elected as an additional member for the West Scotland region.

He is currently the Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Justice, and on Monday announced he will stand to be party leader.

Mr Findlay said: "The next Scottish Parliament elections in 2026 will be a defining moment which sets Scotland on a new course.

"Change is coming in Scotland. I want us to lead it - and to do so as proud and passionate Conservatives.

"We must refocus our efforts from predominantly battling against independence to instead leading a patriotic conservative movement that stands for aspiration and ambition.

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"We've got to set out a positive conservative vision that appeals to the interests, hopes and needs of ordinary people the length and breadth of Scotland.

"We need to provide tangible, practical and pragmatic ideas and solutions that will change everyday lives for the better.

"Our policies must demolish the barriers which stand in the way of ordinary Scots and the fulfilment of their full potential.

"I hear regularly that 'politicians are all the same'. I believe the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party, under my leadership, can be different.

"I'm standing as a candidate for the leadership of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party because I believe we have the chance to change Scotland for the better.

"I want to appeal to anyone who is fed up with the stifling left-wing consensus at Holyrood to join me as we build the positive, modern conservative movement that Scotland needs."

Borders MSP and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Islands, Rachael Hamilton, said Russell has the "positivity, energy and charisma to win people over".

North East MSP and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport, Douglas Lumsden, said Russell has the "positive vision" that the party needs to succeed.

Edinburgh MSP and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Housing, Miles Briggs, said Russell had "hugely impressed colleagues" since becoming an MSP a few years ago.