1 What is your Fringe show about?

My show Artificially intelligent is about the time I asked ChatGPT to write me a hilarious musical comedy show based on my life. Because it didn’t know who I am I had to provide it with more information about me so that it can give me better results. After spilling out my guts to this AI program it gave me the most garbage, distilled, and culturally flattened song about who it thinks I am. It took everything human out of my life and reduced me to stereotypes. But I thought, is it bad or is it really really good and I’m just pretentious? Only one way to find out: perform it for an audience

Through sharp, and witty songs on guitar and piano, I tackle our dependency on technology, and our relatable quest for self-discovery in the age of the internet with topics including: hypocrisy, adulting, the paranoia that your hookup will murder you, immigrant family guilt, internet trolls, and more. It showcases the fight between AI creativity and human creativity with the audience deciding what's better. It’s a really fun and unique comedy special and I’m excited to be bringing it to the Fringe!

2 How many times/many years have you appeared at the Fringe?

I have done 4 Edinburgh Fringes and this will be my 5th!

3 What’s your most memorable moment from the Fringe?

My most memorable moment was my first year at Fringe. In 2018 I brought my debut show to the festival and it was announced as a Top 8 Best Comedy Show of the fest at the Amused Moose Comedy Awards. It was so scary to take my show to another country for the first time and to get so much audience support and then a nomination. It was insane. UK audiences have treated me very well since then.

4 What’s the worst thing about the Fringe?

I feel like everyone’s going to say this but the accommodations. It should be illegal to raise accommodation by so much every year.

5 If you were not a performer what would you be doing?

I’d probably still be at my architecture job. I didn’t hate it, it was a typical 9-5, and I was always busy so the day flew by. This job trusted me too much and started giving me a lot of responsibility. Too much responsibility for a 20 year old. I just pretended like I knew what I was doing.

6 How do you prepare for a performance?

I do the regular boring things like vocal warm ups and stretches and I run through some of the songs and stand up in my mind as I walk to the venue. So if you ever see me talking to myself on the street I’m most likely going through songs like Grandpa on Grindr, Doom Scrolling, Child of Immigrants and more.

7 Favourite thing about being in Edinburgh?

Don’t laugh at me but I love the Primark. I discovered it last year. We don’t have them in Canada. Everything is so cheap compared to Canadian prices. £10.00 for sneakers(trainers)?! That’s wild. Take all my money.

8 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve ever done?

This is going to sound so touristy of me but: go to Arthur's Seat. I am going to try Haggis this year so this answer will be better in August.

9 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

Full Scottish breakfast and whiskey.

10 Sum up your show in three words

Made with AI

Anesti Danelis new comedy show ‘Artificially Intelligent’ is at the Underbelly Buttercup Room @ 2.15pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com