Twitter: @aliwoodsgigs 

1 What is your Fringe show about?

Falling in love for the first time at the age of twenty-right. And dick jokes. They are the two important topics I am taking on this year. It’s very brave.

2 How many times/many years have you appeared at the Fringe?

This is my tenth year! Second full stand-up show. The hotly-anticipated sequel which many very important, smart and beautiful people are saying. Before stand-up I was doing sketch and improv comedy with mixed results!

3 What’s your most memorable moment from the Fringe?

Probably when my girlfriend told me she loved me in 2022 and that was the first time anyone had ever said that to me. Or in 2015 when I had a deep fried mars bar for the first time.

4 What’s the worst thing about the Fringe?

Way too expensive and everyone is ripping off the acts even though without us there wouldn’t be a Fringe festival! Boo.

5 If you were not a performer what would you be doing?

Professional breakdancer.

6 How do you prepare for a performance?

Mainly by doing stand-up comedy for years and dying on my arse countless times, then going back home and trying to write better material. That’s the best way I’ve found to prepare for a show. Also I like diet coke.

7 Favourite thing about being in Edinburgh?

Cobbled streets and the smell.

8 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve ever done?

One time I was birthed by a Glaswegian woman.

9 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

Haggis is completely misunderstood, it’s great! If it rebranded to be Scottish Nduja, global sales would increase by ten thousand per cent at least. Same with Tennents. It’s way better than the comparative cheap English lager of Carling. Also I just have fond memories of drinking it and having fun in the Hive back in the day before the war.

10 Sum up your show in three words

Sexy, hot, spiy

Ali Woods new stand up show ‘At The Moment’ is at the Underbelly – Jersey Room

@ 8.30pm for tickets go to