
What is your Fringe show about?

My show is called “Gearoid Rage” you know you are pronouncing my name right if it sounds like Road Rage. It is about standing up for yourself and how there is a fine line between that and becoming an absolute Karen! It’s a funny light show and I’m having a ball doing it. I can’t wait to bring it to Edinburgh.

2 How many times/many years have you appeared at the Fringe?

This is my sixth time at the fringe. I usually do a half run but I’m here for the full thing this time and I’m really looking forward to it. The first year I did a free fringe show with three others comedians and did the same 12 minute set for a whole month while people watching eat sandwiches.

3 What’s your most memorable moment from the Fringe?

My very first show of my first hour. I was terrified. I think I did 90 minute of material in about 40 minutes. The first year was so scary. I’ve loved it ever since.

4 What’s the worst thing about the Fringe?

The competitiveness and people getting hurt by reviews. It’s horrible when that happens. I think because the fringe is so long we sometimes forget we have the best job in the world and we stop enjoying it. Sometimes because the fringe is such a big thing you end up seeking approval and forgetting that the reason you are there is you love your job, you’ve written a show that you like and you believe (or did believe) that you should be there. That said the fringe is a great experience and like nothing else in the world.

5 If you were not a performer what would you be doing?

Ooh I would be annoying people in the IT department where I used to work as a very mediocre programmer. I’m very happy to be a comedian. It is the best job in the world. If I ever stopped performing I’d like to write.

Gearóid Farrelly. Picture: Steve UllathorneGearóid Farrelly. Picture: Steve Ullathorne (Image: Steve Ullathorne)

6 How do you prepare for a performance?

I usually like to spend at least the amount of time I will be on stage looking over notes and being a bit quiet which is actually quite difficult to do at the fringe because there is always so much going on. I usually write a list of the bits in the show and make sure I’m not forgetting anything. I also read any notes I made about the show last night. I also take a photo from each gig and at the next one I print it out and stick it in my notebook. They’re great to look back at because I sometimes don’t remember a gig at all.

7 Favourite thing about being in Edinburgh?

I love the people. Everyone is so friendly! It’s also nice to be in the one place for a whole month and catch up with other comedian friends. There is also a great pie shop called Storrie’s in Leith and they are open 24 hours. I’m a big fan.

8 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve ever done?

I once wore a kilt to a wedding. It was a Scottish wedding and all of the guys were wearing them. I wore pants underneath though… I’m Irish after all!

9 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

I love cranachan. I had it for the first time last time I was in Edinburgh and it was incredible. I’ve made it at home a few times since but I’m looking forward to getting the real thing while I’m at the Fringe this year!

10 Sum up your show in three words Cheeky, chatty, hilarious.

Gearóid Farrelly’s new stand-up show ‘Gearóid Rage’ is at the Assembly George Square – The Crate @ 7.20pm for tickets go to www.edfringe.com