Plans for student housing on a site previously earmarked for housing have been brought forward.

Part of the site that has consent for nearly 100 new homes would instead be used for flats for 80 students under the new plans.

Plans put forward by Scott Hobbs Planning with 56Three Architects on behalf of J Smart & Co are now for “purpose-built student accommodation development” at 117-135 Pitt Street, Edinburgh.


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“This application site formed a part of the wider site that was consented,” the application reveals. “For two flatted blocks of residential development comprising 98 flats with 25% affordable housing.

“The application site to which this consent relates is in two separate ownerships and it is no longer the intention to develop the site in partnership.

“Instead, two planning applications are being submitted for the southern portion of the site, and once approved, these will be implemented separately by the individual landowner.

“The residential development consented on the northern portion of the original site, fronting Trafalgar Lane, will be implemented separately, in accordance with the extant planning permission.”


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The statement added: “The current application site comprises the south west portion of the wider site, in the ownership of J. Smart & Co … while the south east part of the site is subject to a separate planning application under separate ownership.

“The planning permission for the flatted development on the northern portion of the site will be implemented in accordance with the extant planning permission.

“The proposed PBSA scheme does not preclude the development of the northern consented residential scheme and it enables the provision for drainage and other services that are consented through the extant planning permission.”