Reform will ramp up their up campaign for Holyrood after a strong showing at the General Election.

Helen McDade, the party’s spokesperson in Scotland, said they expected to win some seats in the Scottish Parliament in 2026.

Reform won 165,045 votes north of the border, roughly 7%, despite having next to no real campaign.

Most voters will have only received one leaflet, which featured a picture of Mr Farage and no information about the candidate.

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Despite the lack of presence, in all six of Glasgow’s seats they polled above the Conservatives and the Lib Dems.

While in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, Jo Hart won 5,562 votes, roughly 14.6% of all votes cast.

The seat was one of the tightest contests of the election, with outgoing Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross losing to the SNP by just 942 votes.

Across the UK, Reform won four million votes, roughly 14% of the total number cast, putting them ahead of the Liberal Democrats.

However, they won just five seats.

The elected included Mr Farage in Clacton, party chairman Richard Tice in Boston and Skegness and former Tory MP Lee Anderson in Ashfield.

“From a standing start, we were very pleased and we saved most of our deposits, which was much better than some of the other parties,” Ms McDade said.

“It’s astonishing, really, actually. It tells a tale, tells a tale that people are not happy with the established parties. They'll bring themselves to vote for the least worst sometimes, but this time people thought, actually, do you want change? Well you have to vote for it.

“So a lot of enthusiasm for reform, a lot of enthusiasm in Scotland, despite, to be frank, the lack of coverage in the media.

“So we're delighted, and we're looking towards the Scottish Parliament elections.”

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Ms McDade said they expected to do well in 2026.

“From the feedback we got from people going round, they weren't saying, ‘we'll lend you our vote’.

“That's not what they say to us. What they say is, ‘we're delighted that there's somebody I can vote for.’ “Obviously, in the short campaign we had, we didn't manage to get that organisation that we would have liked.”

Ms McDade said it was wrong to say Reform’s policy platform was not relevant to Scotland.

“We've just proved the actual opposite. People were interested in what we were saying. It's not just about immigration. They're interested in what we say across all the issues.”

“There was nothing that indicated this was a blip. It's not like a by-election. People, yes, they were looking to punish other parties, but also people who are thinking about it and talking to us, they're committed now.

“We expect to do better when it comes to the Scottish Parliament election. We're starting that work today.”

Reform has had representation in the Scottish Parliament before. Former Tory MSP Michelle Ballantyne briefly led the Scottish wing of the party ahead of the 2021 election.

She joined the party after losing out to Jackson Carlaw in the 2020 Scottish Tory leadership contest but stood down after failing to get re-elected.

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During the election campaign, the only senior Reform figure to campaign in Scotland was Mr Tice.

He told journalists that Nigel Farage will not come north of the border because it is “dangerous.”

In 2013, while Ukip leader, he faced protests in both Aberdeen and Edinburgh and was forced to leave a pub in the Scottish capital under police escort.

However, in April 2023, he broadcast an episode of his GB News show from Aberdeen without incident.