Sir Keir Starmer is set to be the next Prime Minister with the official exit poll forecasting Labour to win a historic landslide.

Labour is expected to win 410 seats, while the Tories are predicted to plummet to 131, the lowest number of MPs the party has ever won.

The poll also has the SNP falling to just 10 MPs, down from the 48 they won in 2019.

Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon told ITV: “This is not a good night for the SNP on those numbers.”

She added: “I think there will be a question about whether there was enough in the campaign to give out, effectively, a USP to the SNP in an election that was about getting the Tories out and replacing them with Labour.”

Ms Sturgeon continued: “This is at the grimmer end of the expectations for the SNP if the exit poll is right and, from what I’ve said earlier on, I expect it will be.

“This is seismic for Labour. There’s no getting away from that, it’s a massive achievement for Keir Starmer.

“I think it will be interesting as the night progresses to see the extent this is driven by the Tory collapse as opposed to a Labour surge.”

She added: “This is at the grimmer end of the expectations for the SNP if the exit poll is right."

The Lib Dems meanwhile are expected to take 61 seats, and Nigel Farage's Reform 13.

Plaid Cymru are expected to win four and the Greens two. 

Former Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson called the projected election result a “massacre” for her party.

However, the Baroness told Sky News the word from party HQ was that they could have slipped to less than 100.

“So actually 131 – while, there is no dressing it up, this is a massacre – they’ve actually, if this is right, pulled a few back from where they thought they were.”

If the poll is right - and the exit poll is generally accurate - then Sir Keir Starmer will have a working majority of 170 MPs. 

The Labour leader took to social media to thank those who voted for him and “put their trust in a changed Labour Party.”

“To everyone who has campaigned for Labour in this election, to everyone who voted for us and put their trust in our changed Labour Party – thank you,” he posted to X.

Shortly before polls closed, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak thanked the "hundreds of Conservative candidates, thousands of volunteers and millions of voters.

"Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your support, and thank you for your vote," he posted.

 Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey said: “The Liberal Democrats are on course for our best results in a century, thanks to our positive campaign with health and care at its heart.

“I am humbled by the millions of people who backed the Liberal Democrats to both kick the Conservatives out of power and deliver the change our country needs."