Victims of crime have been contacted by prisoners due to be released early under plans to tackle overcrowding in jails, it has been reported.  

More than 500 Scottish inmates are due to have their prison terms cut short beginning today, and be released in waves to ease pressure on the justice system.  

Prisoners inside for under four years who have 180 days or less left to serve are being released in waves over the coming weeks across all Scottish prisons. 

Sex offenders and domestic abusers are among those exempt, with governors handed a veto. 

READ MORE: Scottish prisons to release more than 500 early due to crowding

The charity Victim Support Scotland told Sky News the system will lead to reoffending. 

Kate Wallace, its chief executive, said: "The last time this happened, over 40% had re-offended within six months. That created more victims, and we are fully expecting that to be the case again. 

"Victims are concerned about the risks to their own personal safety, and we are aware already of some prisoners who have been in contact with victims saying that they are going to be released, and it being used as a coercive control tool." 

Angela ConstanceAngela Constance (Image: PA)

The prison population in Scotland is almost 8,300, more than exceeding the target operating capacity of 8,007.  

The Scottish Prison Service insists safety is a priority. 

READ MORE: MSPs back plan to free hundreds of prisoners early amid overcrowding

A spokesman said: "Governors have vetoed anyone they found posed an immediate risk to individuals or groups, with the help of intelligence from police and social work." 

Scottish Justice Secretary Angela Constance said: "Immediate and urgent action is needed to deal with the significant recent rise in the prison population. 

"In cases of emergency release, we have added two other ways to receive information. 

"Victims can go through one of four named victim support organisations who can request information about a prisoner's release on their behalf. 

"Alternatively, a victim can contact the Scottish Prison Service directly to request that information."