The Scottish Greens have called on the next UK government to lift "the undemocratic and discriminatory Westminster veto against the Gender Recognition Reform."

However, the demand from the party’s equalities spokesperson, Maggie Chapman, is unlikely to be successful, with Sir Keir Starmer yesterday telling Scottish journalists there would “be no change of position on that” if his party formed the next UK Government.

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MSPs passed the Gender Recognition Reform Bill in 2022 by 86 votes to 39 on a cross-party basis.

The legislation aimed to speed up and simplify the process for a trans person to obtain a gender recognition certificate and change their legal sex.

Under the current system, this takes at least two years, involves a medical diagnosis and is only available at 18.

Holyrood’s Bill would have cut the waiting time to six months, lowered the age threshold to 16 and, crucially, have scrapped the need for a medical diagnosis.

However, before it could become law, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack blocked it by using the first-ever order under Section 35 of the 1998 Scotland Act.

He argued that although the subject matter was within Holyrood’s powers, the Bill would have an adverse effect on the operation of UK-wide equality law, particularly sound single-sex protections.

The Scottish Government’s attempt to overturn the veto was rejected in the courts with ministers deciding not to appeal in December last year.

At the time, Shirley-Anne Somerville, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice told MSPs that the Bill would not be withdrawn and she was open to working with an incoming Labour government on the legislation.

“If the current UK Government is willing to work together on this, we will happily sit down with them,” Ms Somerville said.

“If a future UK Government are willing, we will do so with them, so that the Section 35 could be lifted and the Bill progress.

“It seems clear that the current Government will not do this and it remains to be seen what a future government will do.”

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Speaking ahead of an appearance at today's Edinburgh Pride, Ms Chapman said: “Gender Recognition Reform was one of the most scrutinised bills in the history of the Scottish Parliament.

"It was supported by MSPs from all parties, including the vast majority of SNP, Labour and Liberal Democrat MSPs.

“The Act should be in effect right now, with trans people benefiting from the basic rights that we voted for.

"Instead we have seen even more disgraceful culture wars and hostility towards the community, all cynically stoked and fuelled by some of the most powerful people in the country.

“Lots of countries already use self-identification. The decision to block the reform was a calculated and cruel political stunt by a bigoted Tory government that has never seen a minority group that it didn’t want to punch down on."

The Green added: “There is a moral responsibility on every single candidate and party that supports human rights, equality and devolution to commit to lifting the block and supporting the rights of trans people and our parliament.”

During a campaign stop at the Window Supply Company in Whitburn, Sir Keir was asked if he would look again at the block.

“No, there would be no change of position on that,” he said.

“I think there’s a lot to learn about gender self-ID from the way in which it’s been dealt with here in Scotland, which is why we’ve got a different proposition in our manifesto.”

Anas Sarwar, who was campaigning alongside Sir Keir, added: “The court has made it very clear that the law as it currently stands doesn't comply with the Equality Act and the primacy of the EqualityAct is very, very important.”