As the General Election campaign enters a crucial stage we have had a week of twists and turns.

From manifesto launches to leader debates, there has been plenty for voters to contemplate.

Today our political correspondents Andrew Learmonth and Kathleen Nutt are hosting our weekly general election live stream on Facebook.

They will be joined by Herald columnist and former BBC Scotland Political Editor Brian Taylor as they discuss how the election campaign has developed this week.

And we'd love for you to join us. 

From the dramatic poll predictions to candidates finding themselves entering controversial territory, this week has not disappointed.

Join Andrew and Kathleen with Brian in conversation on Facebook.

With a visit from Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer today and possibly the Prime Minister in the days ahead there is plenty to discuss.

Andrew and Kathleen will be speaking to Brian about how this election compares to the others he's covered, the SNP manifesto launch along with examining why the Tory campaign is in even more chaos than it was last week.

Join us on Facebook today: We go live at 2.05pm. Watch here.