The Scottish Conservatives have urged Nigel Farage to suspend his candidate facing Douglas Ross over "sickening" social media comments on the late Queen. 

On her Facebook page, Jo Hart, the Reform candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, reportedly described the Royal Family as “benefit scroungers.”

She also wrote “f**k the Royals” and “make Lizzy the last”.

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Craig Hoy, the Scottish Tory chairman has now written to Richard Tice, Reform's chairman, asking him to take action. 

The constituency is a key battleground for the party, with Douglas Ross taking on the SNP's Seamus Logan. The result is expected to be close. 

The Scottish Tory leader's selection as the candidate was controversial. The Party’s Management Board stopped former Scottish Office minister David Duguid from contesting the new seat as they claimed he was too ill - a claim disputed by Mr Duguid.

Mr Ross then announced his intention to “lead from the front” and stand instead, despite previously promising not to stand for Westminster and concentrate on Holyrood. 

The outcry led to him announcing his resignation as Scottish Tory leader. 

Yesterday's megapoll from Ipsos suggested Reform could take 11% of the vote in the seat, with the Tories on 27% and the SNP on 42%.

The comments on Ms Hart's Facebook were first reported by the Daily Mail.

During the four-day bank holiday weekend to mark the Queen becoming the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, Ms Hart said: "But then the Jubilee comes along, for our 'glorious monarch' who has never experienced the kind of hardship having to choose between heating or food, she doesn't have to worry about keeping the lights on or not, in fact, the many MANY millions that have been p****d away on the jubilee celebrations haven't even come from her pocket, but from the public purse.

"This HUGELY WASTEFUL light show at the palace is nothing but a slap in the face to all of us common folk who are struggling with energy bills right now!"

It concluded: "So this weekend when you're cracking out the bunting and celebrating the jubilee, just use that massively washed brain of yours and think instead, at just how much of a p*** take this all really is.

"All the while I hear people banging on about people on benefits scrounging... THE SINGLE BIGGEST BENEFITS SCROUNGERS ARE THE MONARCHY IT'S TIME IT WAS SCRAPPED! F*** THE ROYALS! #makelizzythelast."

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In his letter to Mr Tice, Mr Hoy wrote:  "Your candidate apparently wrote “f*ck the Royals” and compared the late Queen and entire Royal Family to “benefit scroungers”.

"During the Jubilee, when the whole of Britain united in celebration of the service and sacrifice of the late Queen, reports state your candidate said the monarchy should be abolished. 

"This Reform candidate must be suspended immediately.

"If you do not act, you are saying these anti-Britain statements are acceptable. 

"You are sending a clear message that Reform seems to tolerate sickening insults towards the late Queen and shameful anti-monarchy views.

"You must publicly condemn this candidate and suspend them immediately. "

Reform has been approached for comment.