SNP MPs will attempt to change the franchise for UK Parliamentary elections, with all residents over 16, including foreign nationals, international students and those with refugee status, being allowed to vote.

Stephen Flynn told The Herald the measure would be included in the party’s manifesto, due to be unveiled in Edinburgh this morning.

He said it was time for the UK “to follow Scotland’s lead.”

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While all registered 16 and 17-year-olds and all legally resident foreign nationals can vote in Holyrood and local elections, for Westminster elections, voters have to be at least 18, a British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland.

In the year ending June 2021, there were 6 million people living in the UK who had the nationality of a different country, around 9% of the total population.

Mr Flynn said the “restrictive, outdated and undemocratic rules on voting rights” meant “thousands of adults across Scotland” were being “denied their say on who represents them at Westminster.”

“It is completely indefensible,” he added.

“With Westminster decision making leading to public spending cuts which are hurting public services and worsening the cost of living crisis, it is vital that everyone in Scotland can make their voice heard.

“In Scotland, the SNP has taken an inclusive and progressive approach to voting rights – with the franchise for Scottish Parliament elections extended to 16 and 17-year-olds, citizens of all nationalities resident in Scotland and people with refugee status.

“It is time for the UK to follow Scotland’s lead – and SNP MPs will bring forward a Bill to drag Westminster into the 21st century and mirror Scotland’s inclusive franchise.

“While Westminster is content to deny thousands of people across Scotland their democratic rights at this election, the SNP will ensure that the interests of everyone in Scotland are front and centre.”

Labour has also promised to extend the franchise, with Sir Keir Starmer’s party promising to give the vote to over-16s.

Yesterday, in an interview with the Daily Mail, Rishi Sunak claimed the Labour leader was only adopting the measure to “entrench his power”.

He argued that as Sir Keir did not want to change any of the other rights and responsibilities for 16-year-olds, he was pushing the plan as it was "electorally helpful to him."

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The SNP’s manifesto launch comes as a new mega poll suggests the party could be reduced to just 15 seats at the election.  The Ipsos MRP survey of 20,000 people estimated Labour could win 453 seats and the Tories 115, giving Sir Keir a majority of 256.

The Lib Dems would win 38 seats, the Greens and Reform would both win three.

The pollster’s model predicted the SNP would lose 29 of their seats to Labour and three to the Lib Dems, while another eight are too close to call.

The SNP will use their manifesto launch to call on the UK government to generate an additional £1 billion a year for Scotland’s health service.

First Minister John Swinney said whoever wins the election could do this by increasing health spending south of the border by at least £10bn.

He also urged the future prime minister to resolve pay disputes in NHS England by investing at least £6bn to match a pay deal agreed for junior doctors and nurses in Scotland.

Mr Swinney said: “The SNP manifesto will set out a different approach in line with Scotland’s centre-left values – with an end to Westminster cuts and a major new investment in our health service.

“Our NHS staff were rightly hailed as heroes during the pandemic, but since then the Tory Government has treated them with complete contempt, leading to the junior doctor strike which has England’s NHS on its knees.

“In Scotland we negotiated in good faith and secured a fair deal for junior doctors and nurses.

“Rather than cosying up to the private sector, (Labour’s) Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting would be better served getting round the table with NHS staff and delivering the fair pay rise they deserve.

“Labour need to explain why they think an experienced nurse in Liverpool should be paid £3,000 a year less than we pay a nurse in Livingston.

“The Westminster consensus between Labour and the Tories represents a clear and present danger to the future of the NHS.”

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Scottish Labour Deputy Leader Dame Jackie Baillie hit back at Mr Swinney.

“The SNP has robbed Scots of opportunities and sold off our country’s future with years of chaos and decline.

“After 17 years of broken promises, missed targets and abandoned manifesto commitments, their pledges aren’t worth the paper they are written on.

“The SNP’s record in government is woeful, but they are more interested in passing blame than fixing things.

“On the SNP’s watch, the very future of our NHS is under threat with lives being lost due to A&E chaos and almost 1 in 6 Scots stuck on an NHS waiting list.

“The SNP has no vision and no credibility – it’s time for change."