Elliot Fletcher, romance author, Loch Scavaig, Skye

Where is it?

A bit off the beaten track, Loch Scavaig is located at the tiny, picturesque village of Elgol, on the southern side of Skye.

It is accessed by a long road that feels as though it’s leading you to the end of the earth. The first time I visited, I spotted the Cuillin mountains long before the loch. The raw beauty of it took my breath away.

Why do you go there?

Skye is without a doubt my favourite place in Scotland. There’s something about its wildness that makes me feel small in the most wonderful way - everyday problems feel insignificant in the face of ancient mountain ranges. For me, Loch Scavaig is the perfect encapsulation of that feeling.

How often do you go?

Not nearly as often as I’d like. I live in Edinburgh and try to get to Skye at least every other year, if work permits me and my husband to do so. We also try to visit out of the summer tourist season, which doesn’t always allow for the best weather conditions, though it’s part of Skye’s charm I like to think.

How did you discover it?

It was pure chance. On our second visit to Skye, we had a terrible week of near-constant rain and decided to go for a drive to take in the island, if only from the safety of our car.

We started down this winding road, the scenery growing more and more rugged with every bend. We just kept on driving until we came across it. The skies dried up long enough for us to explore the boulders along the pebbled shoreline without another soul in sight. It felt like magic.

What’s your favourite memory?

Sitting on my coat on a flat boulder because the stone was too wet, even as the sun shone. We ate our lunch and imagined the stories of locals who had lived there hundreds of years before.

Elliot Fletcher Picture: Freddie FreemanElliot Fletcher Picture: Freddie Freeman (Image: free)

Who do you take?

My husband and my dog. My favourite adventuring buddies. Though, I would love to take my family one day.

What do you take?

A packed lunch, waterproofs and iPhone camera.

Sum it up in five words.

Effortless. Wild. Thrilling. Inspiring. Magical.

What other travel spots are on your wish list?

There’s so much to see in Scotland and we’ve barely even started. I’d love to explore more of the islands. Raasay is at the very top of my list as it’s just a short ferry ride from Skye and I’d love to visit Raasay Distillery to try some of their whisky.

Every year my husband and I promise to gather our camping gear and travel the North Coast 500 and knock a few destinations off our list in one trip. There’s really nothing stopping us other than my aversion to a soggy sleeping bag if the weather takes a turn for the worst.

Whisky Business by Elliot Fletcher (HarperCollins, £8.99), out now.

Follow the author on Instagram @ElliotFletcherWrites