Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner said her party would "never" take the UK back into the European Union or European single market if it wins power.

Ms Rayner made the remarks on an ITV election debate last night.

Presenter Julie Etchingham asked her: "If elected, would you ever rejoin the EU or the single market?"

Ms Rayner said: "No".

Pressed again for clarity that a Labour Government would never join the EU or single market, she repeated: "No."

The SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn shouted "shameful" and later said "absolutely" that his party would rejoin the EU and single market.

Mr Flynn also told the programme during a dicscussion of migration not to believe the position taken by Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage, who was also taking part in the debate, 'that migrants made you poorer".

The SNP Westminster leader added: "Do you want to know the biggest problem facing the UK economy right now? It’s his [Nigel Farage’s] pet project - Brexit. £40billion in tax receipts gone. And do you want to know what makes it worse? The Labour Party back Brexit, as outlined by their manifesto today - shameful.”

Conservative minister Penny Mordaunt also said her government would not seek to rejoin the bloc but adding a Labour government would "take you back in, they will tie you on defence, on migration, on regulation, without any of the benefits of membership".

Mr Farage also rejected the prospect of rejoining, adding: "Unfortunately we are governed incompetently, but at least they are our mistakes and not somebody else's."

SNP EU accession spokesperson and candidate for Stirling and Strathallan, Alyn Smith said: “It’s now clear the Labour Party is wedded to Brexit forever - and voting SNP on 4th July is the only way to escape Brexit and secure the closest relationship with Europe, including rejoining the EU and single market.

“Brexit has been a disaster - costing Scotland billions of pounds, increasing food prices, choking off economic growth, reducing trade, and damaging businesses and the NHS.

“The Labour Party cannot claim to offer change when all it offers is the same damaging policies as the Tories - Brexit, a cost of living crisis and £18billion of cuts to public services.

“Brexit is the biggest problem facing our economy - and one of the main drivers increasing the cost of living and reducing staffing in the NHS. It’s shameful the SNP is the only party confronting the elephant in the room and offering an alternative.

“On 4th July, vote SNP to escape Brexit and put Scotland’s interests first.”

Polling has put Labour well ahead of the Tories at a UK level suggesting that Sir Keir Starmer will win the keys to Downing Street after the vote on July 4.

In Scotland, most recent surveys have put Labour also ahead of the SNP, though a poll by Ipsos Mori published this week showed the two parties neck and neck with each forecast to win 27 seats.

Brexit is a key dividing line between the two rivals north of the Border.