Want to know which size boiler you need for your home? Here’s how MPH Group and Viessmann can keep fuel bills down

A NEW boiler should be seen as a necessary home investment, and this is why it’s so important that you make the right choice. 

When it’s regularly serviced and properly maintained, a boiler should last up to around 15 years and will be solely responsible for delivering heat and hot water to your home. 

The Dunfermline-based company MPH Group not only installs Veissmann boilers but also provides regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

When choosing a boiler, size is really important. Too big and it might use too much energy to heat water you’re not going to use, and too small, you might find yourself running out of hot water or left with a cool house that cannot heat up properly. 

This is where the expertise of a professional installer like MPH Group can be invaluable, ensuring the right boiler is selected for your specific needs.

How is boiler size measured?
BEFORE we look at what size boiler you should choose, it’s important to understand how boiler size is measured. Boilers are sized in kilowatts (kW) rather than physical dimensions. 

A kilowatt is a unit that measures how much energy the boiler can output as heat. Generally speaking, the more heat and hot water you require, the higher the output you will need, although other factors also play a part in choosing the right size. This means that boiler size is essentially based on the number of radiators, the number of bathrooms, and the number of bedrooms.

What size boiler should I get?
YOU can use our handy table below to determine which size boiler is right for your home, depending on the number of radiators, bedrooms, and bathrooms. If your home has more than four bedrooms and three bathrooms, then a combi boiler likely won’t be the best option. 

Instead, you may need a boiler that is better equipped to deal with high water demand, such as a system or regular boiler. Consult with experts like the MPH Group to ensure you get the correct size and type of boiler for your needs. 

MPH Group has won numerous accolades and industry plaudits

Should I choose an oversized boiler?
IN the past, homeowners may have been advised to choose a larger boiler to compensate for heat that is lost naturally, such as through the roof, walls, and windows of your home. But modern advances in boiler technology mean that they’re more efficient than ever, and choosing a bigger boiler than you need isn’t recommended. 

It could result in wasted energy and is likely to leave you paying more for your gas bill.

Other factors to consider

Heat loss
IN the past, the physical size of your house was often used as a factor in considering the right size of boiler. 
While this still plays a part, a much better way to choose the most effective and efficient boiler size is to have an expert calculate your home’s heat loss. MPH Group offers comprehensive assessments to ensure you get the most efficient system for your home.
Type of fuel
THE type of fuel available in your property can also affect the size of the boiler you choose, as boilers for different fuels can vary in terms of efficiency. Most UK homes use gas boilers, which offer the greatest level of efficiency, while houses not connected to a mains gas supply often use oil-fired or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) systems instead. 

Water pressure
ALTHOUGH this is not usually a concern for newer houses on a mains water supply, some older homes may experience poor water pressure, and this can impact the type and size of boiler you choose. 
A combi boiler must be big enough to cope with the amount of water passing through it to be heated.
