Edinburgh Airport has launched a campaign encouraging passengers to refrain from disruptive behaviour ahead of the peak 2024 summer season.

The international airport has teamed up with Police Scotland alongside airlines, retailers and others to launch the No Excuse for Abuse Campaign, which encourages passengers to behave responsibly at every point of their journey.

The campaign will see staff across the entire airport campus working together to share the information with visitors and asks anyone who witness individuals causing disruption or behaving unacceptably to report it to the airport’s operational control centre.

This could include abusive or threatening behaviour towards staff or drinking alcohol to excess. That information can then be shared across the network to ensure any suspected incidents can be monitored and discussed, with police action where and when required.

Bosses say the proactive approach is designed to remind everyone to treat each other with respect, and behave responsibly, which will then allow their visit to go smoothly.


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Chief Operating Officer at Edinburgh Airport, Adam Wilson, said: “We know summer is the one season so many of us look forward to as we search out that break and well-earned holiday, and we want everyone to enjoy themselves while they are in the airport.

“Although instances of disruptive behaviour remain low, the No Excuse For Abuse campaign reminds every one of the responsibility we have to ensure behave in a safe and respectful manner to each other, whether that be members of your party or when interacting with staff across the campus.

“We work closely with our partners to proactively engage with passengers and encourage that responsible behaviour, but we will always take a zero-tolerance approach towards that small minority who fail to act in a responsible manner.”

Millions of people are expected to pass through the doors of Edinburgh Airport this summer as the holiday season picks up, and while the majority of people don’t cause any issues, workers say it only takes a few people to cause to distress to others.

Kirsty Logan is a Passenger Operations and Safety Manager at Edinburgh Airport and works within the terminal building, helping passengers with queries and issues.

She said: "Our roles are really focused on helping passengers get through the airport and helping where required, and the vast majority of passengers positively engage with us.

"We know travelling through an airport can be quite stressful but there is no excuse for abusing anyone who is looking to help or listen to your concerns or behaving in a way that causes distress or alarm to staff or other passengers.

"We want to help and we want people to keep that in mind if issues arise, and make sure everyone has a great start to their trip."

Millions of people will pass through Edinburgh Airport this summer seasonMillions of people will pass through Edinburgh Airport this summer season (Image: Alan Simpson)

Police Scotland’s Inspector Caroline Flynn added: “"We are delighted to be working with partners supporting the No Excuse for Abuse campaign to enhance the safety of both staff and passengers at Edinburgh Airport.

"Everyone has the right to carry out their working duties without fear of being subjected to violence, abuse or intimidation. Likewise, other passengers should be able to travel through the airport without experiencing such behaviour.

"Officers will work with partners to closely monitor any issues and take action where necessary."