Hundreds of climate activists are set to stage the "largest ever" protest camp in Aberdeen next month. 

Campaigners from across Scotland will take to the "oil capital of Europe" and camp for five days from July 10-15 calling for an end of new oil and gas. 

David, a local organiser for the Aberdeen Climate Justice Coalition, said: “The North East of Scotland is the fossil-fuel capital of Europe. Frontline communities across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire are being burdened by the continued expansion of the fossil-fuel industry, bringing climate catastrophe across the globe.

Read more: Extinction Rebellion campaigners stage Aberdeen Shell protest

"Aberdeen’s climate movement is thrilled to be welcoming Climate Camp Scotland back to Aberdeen this year. I see the camp as an opportunity to build long-lasting connections between people who aren’t willing to wait for those in power to act.

"Aberdeen Climate Justice Coalition has been working to get the word out about climate camp, build momentum, and hear from locals about how the camp could best support them in their fight. The reception has been overwhelmingly positive, and I have no doubt that many in Aberdeen will show up to take part and support the camp this July.”

Climate change activists will stage a protest camp in Aberdeen in JulyClimate change activists will stage a protest camp in Aberdeen in July (Image: Aurora Findhorn)

Climate activists, trade unionists and community campaigners will join forces to protest against fossil fuel companies drilling the Rosebank oil field in the North Sea and the proposed expansion of the SSE gas-fired power station at Peterhead. 

The event will culminate with a "mass action" targeting major polluters as activists highlight record temperatures have breached the world's 1.5 degree climate targets for 12 months in a row.  

Campaigners are also rallying against what they have labelled an "unjust transition" into green energy.

They will highlight issues with Aberdeen's proposed Energy Transition Zone, which has been criticised for replacing St Fittick's Park - the last remaining community green space in the Torry neigbourhood -  with industrial development. 

The event follows a camp held in July 2023, which saw 300 people protest against INEOS's petrochemical refineries in Grangemouth, and a previous Aberdeen camp in July 2022. 

Read more: Extinction Rebellion protesters stage Aberdeen Shell protest

Karryghan, a youth climate activist from Edinburgh, said: “The last Climate Camp was a great opportunity for me as a young person to meet other organisers across Scotland and come together to take collective action in a way that was genuinely sustainable and empowering.

"For myself and my fellow youth activists it's a chance to take ourselves a little away from our day to day and re-focus on our ambitions for changing the system that drives the climate crisis. I believe the spirit of climate camp is particularly empowering because it is a community in itself,  a place to pick up the tools to nurture your own.

"I am heading up to Aberdeen because we work towards true climate justice for all and that cannot be done without standing hand in hand with communities and workers who must be guaranteed green jobs. When we demand an end to fossil fuels this must mean a fair move into green energy that leaves no one behind.”

Quân Nguyen, a spokesperson for Climate Camp Scotland, said: "We know that neither the incoming UK government by Keir Starmer, who already betrayed any ambitions to tackle the climate crisis, nor the Scottish government, set on unnecessarily expanding the SSE’s gas power station in Peterhead, have a plan to phase out oil and gas at all, never mind in a way that protects workers and communities currently depending on the industry.

"Instead, Aberdeen City Council threatens to take away St Fittick’s Park from the Torry community to hand it to the fossil fuel industry. Taking away green space from  communities in Aberdeen to use it for a greenwashing exercise only benefitting fossil fuel companies is a text-book example of an unjust transition.

"Real change will only come with climate activists standing side by side with communities and workers in Aberdeen, to challenge councils, governments and corporations and fight for climate justice."