Direct train services between Ayr and Glasgow will return to normal next week following the completion of safety works at the fire-damaged Ayr Station Hotel.

Electric services at Ayr Station have been off since the former Ayr Station Hotel was set on fire in September last year.

Replacement buses were put on between Ayr and Prestwick until December last year, then a shuttle train service using one of the station’s platforms. However it was withdrawn at the start of this month, with Network Rail carried out works to resume services to normal.

Now the national rail operator has confirmed that direct electric services between Ayr and Glasgow will resume on Monday to line up with South Ayrshire Council’s demolition works at the building concluding.

Network Rail bosses say engineers are already removing debris and repairing the tracks in preparation for the return of trains. 

Liam Sumpter, managing director, Network Rail, said: “Our thanks go to South Ayrshire Council for completing the critical safety work at the former Ayr Station Hotel. 

“Our teams are working hard to have the track ready and alongside our colleagues at ScotRail we’re looking forward to welcoming passengers back to the station and on to services next week. 

“We’d like to thank passengers and the Ayr community for their patience and understanding during the station closure.” 


Bosses say a full timetable, with the return of services between Kilmarnock, Ayr, Girvan, and Stranraer, is expected to be in operation by mid-July. 

David Lister, ScotRail Safety, Sustainability & Asset Director, said: “The devastating fire at the former station hotel has had a significant impact on ScotRail services in the south west of Scotland and we have worked closely and collaboratively with South Ayrshire Council, Network Rail, and other partners during this challenging period. 

“We know how much people rely on rail services, so we’re pleased that from 17 June, we’ll be able to reintroduce electric services between Ayr and Glasgow and will work with Network Rail to complete all activities required to re-establish services south of Ayr due to the extended period of closure. 

“We’re grateful to customers for their patience and understanding while we work towards the full return of services later in July.”