The SNP and Labour have swiftly responded to the announcement that Douglas Ross is to stand down as Scottish Tory leader demanding the Tory chief quit with immediate effect as an MSP.

Mr Ross faced anger within his own party last week when he U turned on a decision to fight a seat in the Westminster election deciding to stand in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East.

The move on Thursday followed party bosses blocking former Scotland Office minister David Duguid from running for the seat on Wednesday night.

Mr Duguid has been in hospital since April but had said he wanted to contest the seat and was fit enough to do so.

Seamus Logan, the SNP's candidate in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, demanded Mr Ross resigns from Holyrood with immediate efffect.

"Douglas Ross must resign as an MSP today. It's clear he's been forced out as Scottish Tory leader after his shameful behaviour over David Duguid and his growing expenses scandal. Voters deserve a dedicated MSP - not one who is hedging his bets in case he loses the  election.

"On 4th July, voters in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East can show Douglas Ross the door for good by voting SNP to put Scotland's interests first."

Scottish Tory leader Scottish Labour Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie said “I wish Douglas Ross the best of luck in the future.

“It’s clear that this divided and chaotic Tory party is out of time and out of ideas.

“Voters know that this rotten Tory government has nothing to offer Scotland – it’s no wonder Douglas Ross has given up on trying to resuscitate the Scottish Tories’ flailing campaign.

“After 14 years of Tory chaos and 17 years of SNP incompetence and scandal, Scotland is crying out for change.

“There is clearly only one party that can take on two failing governments and only one party that now represents change and it is Scottish Labour.

“On July 4, the way to make sure we boot the Tories out of government at last and deliver the change our country needs is by voting Scottish Labour.”

Scottish Greens leader Patrick Harvie called on voters to reject what they said were Mr Ross's "divisive" brand of politics

Mr Harvie said: “At times like these it is customary to say something conciliatory about a departing MSP, but Douglas Ross has been perhaps the worst leader in the Scottish Tories’ history and the Scottish Parliament and indeed, Scottish politics, will be well rid of him.

“He embodies everything that is wrong with the Tory party in his anti-environment, anti-equality, anti-democratic pursuit of self interest, epitomised by his ill-judged swoop for David Duguid’s Westminster seat even while he recovers from serious illness. 

“The fact he only now accepts that he must resign his seat as an MSP if he is returned to the House of Commons shows the utter contempt with which he holds his constituents and the Scottish Parliament. 

"It’s not just Douglas Ross that we need to be rid of, it is the divisive, reactionary and prejudiced politics that he represents.

“It is clear that Douglas Ross has lost the dressing room, but it’s important that the voters take the chance to show the whole Tory Party the red card.”