A Scottish airport is to temporarily reintroduce 100ml restrictions on liquids for passengers.

The Department for Transport has confirmed that Aberdeen will join Newcastle, Leeds/Bradford, London City, Southend and Teesside airports in reintroducing the restrictions. 

Other airports had made no change to the longstanding rules on carrying liquids.

The restrictions will come into effect on Sunday.

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The Herald understands that the move is not in response to a specific threat.

A Department of Transport spokesperson said: "From 0001 on Sunday 9th June 2024, 100ml restrictions on liquids will temporarily be reintroduced for passengers travelling from six regional airports where Next Generation Security Checkpoints (NGSC) are in full operation.

“This temporary move is to enable further improvements to be made to the new checkpoint systems and will only affect a small number of passengers. For most passengers, security measures will remain unchanged.

“Passengers should continue to check security requirements with their departure airport before travelling.”