Rejoining the EU is not on the ballot paper at the general election, the Scottish Lib Dem leader has said.

Speaking at a campaign event outside Holyrood, Alex Cole-Hamilton said the UK’s membership of the bloc would at some point go to a vote again and when it did his party would be at the “vanguard” of the campaign to undo Brexit.

He said the party’s manifesto, due to be launched soon, would include a “roadmap” to EU membership.

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“I think we also have to be real with people,” he added.

He said John Swinney’s claims that the SNP could take back to the EU in the next parliament was an “utter fallacy.”

“Even if Scotland did become independent, and nobody believes that's anywhere near likely, even if we did become independent the EU wouldn't have us for years.

“The accession criteria of the EU membership, firstly would see us join the back of the queue behind the likes of Ukraine. It would require us to pay down our deficit.”

This he said would require austerity and tax increases.

“So actually there's a good chance we will be outside of both unions for a number of years.”

He added: “Liberal Democrats believe our approach is pragmatic. It's realistic, it's utterly remorseless.

“We believe our future lies at the heart of Europe. There will be an election where our membership is on the ballot paper I regret it's not this one. Nobody believes it's on the ballot paper at this election. But when that time comes up, Liberal Democrats will be in the vanguard.”

Mr Cole-Hamilton also dismissed Nigel Farage’s bid to enter Westminster. He said the Reform UK leader was “a bit of a sideshow, a comedy figure” who “appeals to the lowest common denominator in politics”.

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The MSP was posing with a giant toothbrush to highlight what he said were Scottish Government failures over dentistry.

He and Edinburgh West candidate Christine Jardine held up signs saying the Lib Dems will “brush away the SNP.”

Mr Cole-Hamilton said he was certain his party would finish ahead of the SNP.

He told journalists: “You can take that to the bank, there will be more liberals than nationalists on the green benches of the House of Commons in the parliament to come.”