John Swinney has tried to move the SNP’s election campaign on from the row over Michael Matheson’s expenses.

But Labour and the Tories have both used campaign events to criticise the First Minister’s handling of the fallout from the ex-minister’s £11k data bill.

On Wednesday, MSPs voted to ban Mr Matheson from Holyrood for 27 days.

He will also have his wages withdrawn for 54 days.

READ MORE: Matheson row 'a political bubble issue' says McAllan

Speaking to journalists on Friday, the First Minister would not be drawn on Mr Matheson.

He said: “Parliament has taken its decisions about Michael Matheson, I made clear at First Minister’s Questions yesterday that I accept the conclusions of Parliament and that’s where the matter should end,” he said.

Meanwhile, Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has  written to the First Minister questioning why the MSP is still a member of the SNP.

At a photocall where he dressed in his referee garb and held up a giant prop red card, Mr Ross said: ”John Swinney deserves a straight red card for his handling of the Michael Matheson scandal.

“Within a month of becoming First Minister, he has proved he’s just another divisive SNP figure – like every other nationalist leader before him.”

He added: “I’m asking for voters who want action on their top priorities to help the Scottish Conservatives give SNP candidates the sending off they deserve.”

The Herald:

In Greenock, Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer accused Mr Swinney of “picking up the Boris Johnson playbook.”

He told journalists he would back calls for a system of recall in Holyrood as there is in Westminster.

He said: “You’ve got chaos and division, both in Westminster and with the SNP. You’ve got unelected leader after unelected leader in Westminster and with the SNP. And now on standards in public life, you’ve got the SNP picking up the Boris Johnson playbook.

“I mean, that’s how striking the examples are. So, of course, as Anas (Sarwar) says, there should be a recall petition. It’s worked well in our Parliament, and we’ve had a number of by-elections which we’ve very much enjoyed.”

READ MORE: Starmer: 'Powerful case' for GB Energy to have HQ in Aberdeen

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said the SNP handling of the scandal had been “nothing short of shameful”.

He said: “Rather than coming to Parliament and apologising for that behaviour and demanding that Michael Matheson step down, or at least introduce that petition of recall, John Swinney instead chose to back one of his pals rather than do the right thing.

“It’s the perfect example of what we attack – rightly – the Tories for, for putting their party before the country, the exact same applies to John Swinney.

“We absolutely need a right to recall in Holyrood.”