A second union has announced it will ballot its members in cleansing and waste on strike action, which could lead to a return to the scenes across Scotland witnessed in 2022.

A dispute with 20 of the 32 local councils two years ago saw rubbish pile high in the streets of towns and cities across the country, leading to a health warning being issued by Public Health Scotland.

On Wednesday it wad announced that the GMB was balloting its members on industrial action after a pay offer from COSLA was rejected, and Unite has followed suit.

The trade union confirmed that it will ballot thousands of its members in cleansing and waste services from 5 June until 1 July when the ballots close.

If the members of both unions vote for strike action, they could both walk out as early as July 15.

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Major international events such as the Edinburgh Fringe could be affected if action goes ahead.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Our members undertake vital frontline jobs. Despite the essential work they do, they have seen their pay eroded for years, they are simply no longer prepared to tolerate this situation.

 “COSLA and the Scottish government have been warned that they must do far more to meet the pay aspirations of our members. The blame for any strike action taking place will lie at their doors.

“We will back our members all the way in the fight for better jobs, pay and conditions in local government.”

The only councils not involved in Unite’s ballot process are Clackmannanshire, East Lothian, and the Orkney Islands.

Graham McNab, Unite industrial officer said: “Unite has now served industrial action notices to nearly every council in Scotland. If the ballots are successful, then our members in cleansing and waste services could begin strike action from July. Any action could impact on major summer events including the Edinburgh festival.”

“Let’s be clear that COSLA and the Scottish government must come back to us with a significantly revised pay offer, if they do not, then our members will have no option but to take action.”

The Herald:

The offer rejected by both Unite and GMB comprised 2.2% effective from 1 April to 30 September, and then 2% for a 12-month period effective from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025.

The former described it as "kicking the can down the road".

Keir Greenaway, GMB Scotland senior organiser in public service said: "Our members have already been forced to wait far too long for an offer that was not close to being acceptable. 

"It is deeply frustrating council workers are once again being driven to industrial action to secure a fair offer and the blame for that lies squarely with council leaders and ministers. 

“Why has so much time been wasted? Why are council leaders not already in serious discussions with unions and the Scottish Government about how to fund a fair offer? 

“Why on earth should our members in Scotland be asked to accept an offer that is less than that being offered to council colleagues in England?” 

The Herald:

A COSLA Spokesperson said:  “COSLA wrote to the Scottish Joint Council (SJC) Trade Unions on Thursday 23 May with a formal pay offer for the SJC local government workforce.

"This offer is for a settlement which runs for an 18-month period of 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2025. There would be a 2.2% uplift from 1 April, with a further 2% uplift taking effect from 1 October. We believe that this is a good offer in the context of inflation and the funding constraints faced by councils.

“We are disappointed that industrial action is being contemplated by our unions and concerned that it appears to be targeted at the most vulnerable service users.

"We remain committed to doing the best by our workforce who deliver essential local services in every community across Scotland and understand our trade unions seeking the best deal possible, but this year’s settlement from Scottish Government means that going any further will mean job losses and service cuts.”