Scottish Greens members in Aberdeenshire have asked the party if they can deselect a Westminster candidate who called JK Rowling a "torn-faced cow" on X.

Sophie Molly, who is standing in Gordon and Buchan at the general election, is accused of "bringing the party into disrepute through social media posts.”

According to correspondence to the Westminster hopeful from Carolynn Scrimgeour, the co-chair of the ruling executive, the branch has “submitted a written referral to SGP Executive with links to relevant social media posts."

She tells Ms Molly she has until 12 noon on Wednesday to submit her own statement.

The leaked email - widely shared on social media - goes on to say that these submissions “are shared only with members of SGP Executive, in strictest confidence.”

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Ms Molly’s deselection will be considered at the SGP Executive meeting later this week.

Ms Scrimgeour added: “If the outcome is to recommend your deselection, you will no longer be a candidate for the Scottish Greens.

“If SGP Executive does not vote to deselect, your candidacy will continue. In either event, we will do our best to provide any support you need.

“I am sorry for the distress this email and these circumstances are no doubt causing.

“If you need any further information, would like to contribute to SGP Executive in writing, or would like support from the party during this process, please let us know by reply.”

Ms Molly told The Herald the screenshot was a breach of her privacy and that she would not comment further.

Earlier this month, the candidate criticised a book called The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht, which includes essays from a number of gender-critical women, including the Harry Potter author.

Ms Molly said the book was "deeply transphobic", adding: "It puts the safety of all trans people at risk. Promoting hate does nothing but harm society. Trans people are not removing anyone's rights.

“The Gender Critical have removed trans people's right to feel safe in public spaces."

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Ms Rowling responded: "I'm seriously impressed that you've been able to read and review an unpublished book of which there are currently only two copies in existence, neither of which have been lent to you."

The writer then highlighted previous comments by Ms Molly under a different X handle. These included: "JK Rowling is a man larping as a woman. Pass it on!! Let's shame the torn faced cow."

Larping is an abbreviation of live action role-playing.

In response to another post by the Green candidate, Ms Rowling wrote: "I'm just interested in the language you use about women you don't like, Sophie. 'Torn-faced', 'b*tch' etc."

Ms Molly later told another user of X: "I stand by those comments."

A spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said: “We can confirm that our Executive Committee is scheduled to meet as normal on Wednesday.

"It would be inappropriate to comment on any individual cases that may be considered. Our Code of Conduct applies to all party members.“