The Scottish Greens’ communication chief has announced he is to leave his post.

Shaun Milne said it was the right time to step down after a “tumultuous” two years in the post.

Mr Milne, a former senior journalist on The Herald, was a key member of the party’s backroom team during their time in the Scottish Government.

But the Greens were thrown out of the adminstration by Humza Yousaf in April when the then First Minister ended the Bute House Agreement signed by the party and Mr Yousaf's predecessor Nicola Sturgeon in August 2021.

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Days after Mr Yousaf terminated the power sharing arrangement with the Greens, Mr Yousaf himself announced he was stepping down as First Minister ahead of a vote of no confidence in Holyrood which he was expected to lose.

The crisis was triggered after Green activists demanded the party call an extraordinary general meeting and a vote on ending the Bute House Agreement after the Scottish Government dropped a key climate change commitment. Green MSPs backed the move angering their party's grassroots.

Writing on LinkedIn last week, Mr Milne said: “Working with Scottish Greens colleagues to ensure the climate crisis has been front and centre of politics over the past two years has been a fascinating, enthralling and enormously enjoyable privilege, and I’m hugely grateful to have had that opportunity to help campaign for a fairer, greener Scotland.

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“As the party looks to reset its focus back in opposition and prepare for an incoming new UK government, now seems an appropriate time for me to step down after what has been a full on and tumultuous two years. With almost comedy timing, I tendered my notice to the MSP Green group on Tuesday, but will remain in post for a few weeks yet for the general election campaign.

“Going out on a high with the party polling at what suggests could be its best ever Westminster result is very pleasing, and a real testament to the incredible hard work of branches, volunteers, party officials and politicians.

“Together these past two years, we’ve worked through three prime ministers, three first ministers, scandals, rows, the death of the Queen, a cost-of-living crisis, witnessed war break out on the edge of Europe, horrors unfold in the Middle East, saw renewable energy targets being smashed and of course … Scotland qualify for the Euros.

"My best wishes also go to all other MSPs, comms colleagues and teams I’ve encountered across the political spectrum, and the brilliant staff working for the Scottish Parliament itself who make it all possible.

"Meantime I’m looking forward to a few weeks off over summer before considering what new opportunities may lie ahead. I’ll hopefully see a few of you along the way."