More than £1.2 million will be invested in creating new innovation hubs at colleges across Glasgow and the west of Scotland to boost innovation in local businesses.

The 12-month College Local Innovation Centres pilot project, funded by the Innovate UK Further Education Innovation Fund, will help businesses across the Glasgow City Region gain access to support and guidance on embedding and embracing innovation within their organisations.

The hubs will support businesses in a number of sectors including health, sustainability, and digital.

Support will range from advisory services to hands-on assistance in adopting cutting-edge technologies, processes, and business models.

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It is hoped more than 200 businesses across Glasgow, Inverclyde, North and South Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire, and West Dunbartonshire will benefit from the project, which starts at the end of March.

Stella McManus, principal of South Lanarkshire College and a member of the College West Partnership Group, said: "This is a significant moment for the Glasgow City Region and further highlights the crucial role the college sector will play in collaborating with the business community to drive innovation across Scotland.

“Innovate UK has recognised the importance of Scottish colleges in the innovation and enterprise landscape and the role our institutions play in leading economic and social transformation. This sector-first opportunity and collective approach brings six colleges together to deliver on innovation and economic priorities and will underpin the ambitions of the business community across the city region and Scotland."

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Six colleges across the Glasgow City Region will host the innovation hubs, including Centre for Digitally Enabled Health – New College Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire; Centre for Sustainable Development – South Lanarkshire College, South Lanarkshire; Centre for Advanced Manufacturing – West College Scotland, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire; Centre for Digital Enablement – Glasgow Kelvin College; and Centre for Innovation Leadership – City of Glasgow College, Centre for Digital Creativity – Glasgow Clyde College; all Glasgow. 

The award of funding is part of a UK-wide push by Innovate UK to promote innovation that will see £7.3m invested in nine projects across 33 colleges. Other regions involved across the UK include Greater Manchester and the West Midlands.