Hutchesons’ has been long recognised for impressive examination results, but the school motto – veritas – underpins everything they do with a focus on delivering well-rounded, curious pupils with a genuine interest in learning. 

Passions that stretch beyond the confines of the academic curriculum are valued and the school has strong traditions in music, drama, art, debating, community activities and sport and run many extra-curricular activities, all of which are important in developing a confident and responsible individual.

The Herald:

Challenge & Opportunity
THE extensive extra-curricular offering at Hutchesons’ allows pupils to explore a wide range of activities to develop their skills and spark their passion. 

Natural aptitude and interests are spotted early in the school career and pupils are given a vast range of opportunities to develop these budding skills into valuable and accomplished talents and experiences. 

With more than 50 clubs and societies running across the school, there is a club for everyone, and Hutchesons’ is confident pupils will find one they enjoy. 

The Herald:

Giving Back
WHILE the principal purpose of the school is the advancement of the education of pupils, it is important that pupils develop broader skills in being good citizens and understanding issues in the wider world. 

The school is the top provider of Silver DofE Awards in Scotland and spent a phenomenal 2,951 hours volunteering in the local community last year, with a social value of over £14,000. 

Hutchesons’ has strong affiliation links with Cure Leukaemia and Doing It For Daniel, two charities that work to support children with cancer, and one of the many projects that the school is involved in is the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI). 

YPI is a programme of The Wood Foundation, which enables S3 pupils the independence to research local charities to present their findings and ultimately award a grant to their chosen charity. 

However, the real lifeblood of the school, is its people and what makes the school great is the energy, focus, drive, dedication, commitment and humanity of every pupil and every member of staff.

The Herald:

With an emphasis on the creative arts, pupils explore a wide range of activities to develop their skillsets

Rector Mike Martin, said: “Watching young people grow, thrive, develop, and go on from Hutchesons’ ready to take on any challenge is fantastic and makes teaching the best job in the world.”

Ensuring each and every child is understood, Hutchesons’ helps them to grow and flourish – and that all begins with the entrance assessment process which is designed to gain a better understanding of each child and identify their potential. 

With opportunity to ask questions and to talk more about life at Hutchie and the support in each child’s development.

Interested in joining the Hutchie Family? Take the next step on a Hutchesons’ journey and find out more, visit or call the Admissions Registrar 0141 433 4469