
By Alec Ross

Despite the very challenging drop in the UK milk price, a recent European study trip has suggested a more positive outlook for the dairy sector and its opportunities, according to NFU Scotland’s milk committee chair Bruce Mackie.

Mr Mackie, accompanied by milk policy manager Tracey Roan, has undertaken an intensive two-day visit to Brussels co-ordinated by the union’s Brussels-based office, BAB.

The group met officials from Copa Cogeca (the umbrella organisation for European farming unions and co-operatives), International Dairy Federation, European Dairy Association, German Farmers Union, Fonterra and Eucolait.

Mr Mackie said: “At a European level, we may have left the EU, but Europe remains a global dairy superpower in its own right.

“The problems which we face as are not unique to Scotland but are shared with fellow farmers in Europe and beyond. Many of these are due to global issues – like climate change and supply chain challenges. It is also clear we have many friends within the European and wider international dairy industry, and we should take advantages of these valuable alliances.”


Well bred lambs at Ayr yesterday were met with demand, although leaner, plainer types proved less easy to cash.

The top price of the day was £144 for a pair of strong Texels from Messrs Reid, Over Borland or 312p/kg for Beltexes from Howcommon, against a sale average of 241p/head SQQ. All classes of cast sheep met an increase in recent rates. Cast tups peaked at £186 for a Texel from Fisherton, while cast ewes sold to £150 for a Beltex from Howcommon, and Blackies from Pennyvennie sold to £75.

Bullocks at St Boswells yesterday averaged 293p/kg and sold to 316p/kg, while heifers averaged 294p/kg/kg and sold to 338p/kg.

Meanwhile, cast cows averaged 175p/kg and sold to 239p/kg or £2,227/head.

Lambs dropped by 12p on the week to average 247p/head and sold to £141/head or 304p/kg for Beltexes, while cast sheep averaged £78/head and sold to £153 for a Texel ewe. Heavy ewes averaged £117, and light ewes averaged £69/head, and sold to £111 for a North Country Cheviot.