Sir Keir Starmer's keynote speech at the Labour party conference was interrupted by a protestor.

The party leader took to the stage in Liverpool to speak to the delegates, but before he could begin a stage invader threw glitter over his head.

The protestor threw a handful of glitter over the Labour leader and said: "True democracy is citizen-led, politics needs an update.

“We demand the people’s health, we are in crisis.”

After being wrestled to the floor he continued to yell: "We are in crisis, we are in crisis, our whole future is in jeopardy."

The protestor was dragged away by security, and Sir Keir took to the stage again after being advised to remove his jacket.

The Herald: A protester throws glitter over and disrupts Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer making his keynote speech during the Labour Party Conference in LiverpoolA protester throws glitter over and disrupts Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer making his keynote speech during the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool (Image: Peter Byrne/PA Wire)

With glitter still on his collar the Labour leader said: "Thank you, thank you conference.

"If he thinks that bothers me, he doesn't know me.

"Protest or power, that's why we changed our party, conference. That's why we changed our party.

"And it was just as well it was me, because my wife's dress is really beautiful."

His speech was introduced by Marie Tidball, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Penistone and Stocksbridge.

The protestor was wearing a t-shirt which appears to tie him to a group called People Demand Democracy.

The group’s website says: “People Demand Democracy is a group of people from all across Britain calling for an upgrade to our current political system and using civil disobedience to get our message across.

“We are calling for a fair, proportional voting system for Westminster elections and a permanent, legally-binding national House of Citizens, selected by democratic lottery.​

“People Demand Democracy has written letters to the leaders of the two leading political parties, Labour and the Conservatives, with an ultimatum: implement our demands by September 1 2023 or we will take proportionate action to get our message across.”