A resurgent Scottish Labour Party has secured a historic win at the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election, with a massive victory over the SNP.

Michael Shanks won 17,845 votes, 58.6% of the total. That was more than double the 8,399 taken by SNP candidate Katy Loudon.

It gives him a majority of 9,446, and represents a swing from Labour to the SNP of 20.4%.

Professor Sir John Curtice said if the result was replicated across the country it would give Labour 42 seats, and the SNP just six. 

The scale of the defeat could spark questions about Humza Yousaf’s future, and whether he’s capable of turning the party’s fate around.

There could also be difficult questions for Douglas Ross after the Scottish Conservatives vote collapsed, they took just 1,192 votes, just 3.9%, losing their deposit.

Their candidate, Thomas Kerr, suggested his supporters had cast their ballot tactically, switching to Labour. 

READ MORE: Sarwar: Labour's seismic win is going to send shockwaves through the SNP

Mr Shanks said it was the “honour of his life” to be elected as MP for the area.

Speaking at the count in Hamilton he said: “The message from tonight is a resoundingly clear one – we have had more than enough of managed decline, more than enough of division, more than enough of distracted, chaotic government.”

Mr Shanks added the result showed that “there is no part of this country where Labour can’t win”.

He declared: “Labour can kick the Tories out of Downing Street next year and deliver the change people want and this country so badly needs. Tonight is one part of that journey.”

While turnout was low, just 37.19%, with a total of 30,531 votes cast, it was better than expected given the poor weather and long campaign. 

Even while votes were being counted the SNP was downplaying their chances,  blaming the police investigation into the party’s funding and finances, the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon and the circumstances surrounding the by-election.

Margaret Ferrier was ousted by voters in August in Scotland’s first recall petition, triggered after she was suspended from the Commons for 30 days over her multiple pandemic rule breaches and subsequent criminal conviction.

She was ordered to carry out 270 hours of community service after pleading guilty to wilfully exposing people “to the risk of infection, illness and death”.

READ MORE: The SNP defeat in Rutherglen and Hamilton West belongs to Humza Yousaf

Mr Yousaf, who campaigned in the constituency regularly, stayed away from the count.

He tweeted that the “circumstances of this by-election were always very difficult for us.”

The First Minister said the “collapse in the Tory vote” had gone straight to Labour, saying this was a “significant factory” in the result.

But the SNP leader added: “We lost this seat in 2017, and like 2019 we can win this seat back.

“We will reflect on what we have to do to regain the trust of the people of Rutherglen & Hamilton West.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat candidate Gloria Adebo secured 895 votes, while Scottish Green Party candidate Cameron Eadie won 601.

Speaking on the BBC's election programme, Sir John said the Labour vote was up 24 points.

"That means the Labour vote in the constituency is almost as high as it was in 2010 before the tsunami that swept the Labour party from virtually every constituency in Scotland."