A new poll has found that a majority of the British public think Rishi Sunak is doing a bad job delivering on his priorities. 

 Mr Sunak began the year setting out five priorities of halving inflation, growing the economy, cutting government debt, shortening NHS waiting lists and “stopping the boats”. 

In a poll of 1,000 British adults, Ipsos UK found widespread dissatisfaction with the Prime Minister’s performance on all five priorities. 

 On halving inflation, 57% said they thought Mr Sunak was doing a bad job, compared to 55% who said the same in May. Only 14% said they thought he was doing a good job, down from 17%. 

We want to know what you think — Do you think the Prime Minister is doing a good job? 

Vote now in our online poll:   


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Ipsos director of politics Keiran Pedley said: “These numbers reflect the scale of the challenge Rishi Sunak faces to turn the Conservatives fortunes around.

“Earlier this year he made five key pledges and invited the public to judge him on his success. However, right now, not only do the public not think his government is delivering but they tend to think it is doing worst on the issues of most importance to them.”

The poll, carried out between September 22 and 26 just before the start of the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, found Mr Sunak’s personal unfavourability rating had reached its highest level yet.