The row at a cash-strapped local authority is deepening as SNP councillors have lodged a no confidence motion in the leader of the Labour-run council.

SNP opposition group members on North Lanarkshire Council have submitted the motion against Jim Logue following a rapid u-turn on cuts to community facilities.

They claim the Labour group leader refused to engage with the public or fellow councillors from across all parties before moving to close 39 different sports and leisure centres.

READ MORE: North Lanarkshire's Labour group u-turns on closures

SNP Group Leader Tracy Carragher said: "Councillor Logue’s time is up.

"He has lost all credibility and authority to lead.

"While we welcome his change of heart, forcing through these decisions at the Policy & Strategy committee, where only the most loyal Labour and Tory councillors to him personally sit amongst their number, rather than at full council where a decision of this scale should be taken, shows once and for all that he has no regard whatsoever for the democratic will of the council body, or the people it is elected to represent.

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"He has lost the support of at least half of his group and it is our opinion that he no longer commands the confidence either of North Lanarkshire Council or the people of North Lanarkshire, it is time for him to go."

The motion has been submitted to the local authority's provost for inclusion at a full council meeting to be held on Thursday.

Ms Carragher added: "It will be for Labour members to decide whether to truly stand up for their constituents and support this motion to remove an individual who has repeatedly shown contempt for democracy within the council chamber."

A council committee last week voted for 39 libraries, community centres, swimming pools and sport facilities to close to plug a multi-million gap in the council budget.

But today, just 48 hours before a crucial battle between Labour and the SNP at the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election, the Labour group said it no longer supported the closures.

The decision will now have to go before another council meeting but, with support withdrawn, the future of the community facilities appears secure.

READ MORE: All 39 facilities at risk of closure in North Lanarkshire

Mr Logue, in an earlier statement, said: “North Lanarkshire Labour will protect these important facilities for the duration of this council term.

“However, our financial situation remains dire after more than a decade of cuts to our budget from the SNP in Holyrood, but Labour will always stand up for families here.

“It remains the case that North Lanarkshire Council will face difficult budget decisions as a result of failure of the SNP to properly resource local government.”