Wildlife is "in crisis" with one in nine animals and plants being at risk of becoming extinct north of the border.

A State of Nature Scotland analysis, backed by the Scottish Government agency NatureScot and published by a partnership of over 50 nature and conservation organisations warned the risk of extinction among some groups, such as vertebrates, is much higher at more than a third (36.5%).

The most notable declines were with familiar birds such as swifts, curlews and lapwings which have declined by more than 60%. Kestrels have declined by more than 70%.

Between 1986 and 2019, the abundance of 11 annually monitored Scottish breeding seabird species fell by 49%.

READ MORE: Scotland misses 11 targets on preventing species extinction by 2020 despite ministers' 'on track' claim

The results predate the ongoing outbreak of Avian flu.

The Herald:

In the last ten years alone, 172 (43%) out of 407 closely monitored species have shown "strong or moderate declines".

The analysis found a 47% decline since 1970 in the distribution of flowering plant species and a 62% decline in bryophytes, such as mosses, liverworts and hornworts, with climate change said to be hitting the latter.

The researchers said there has been a 57% decline in lichen species since 1970.

The systematic monitoring, the results of which are published periodically, began with the monitoring of a total of 407 species in 1994. The report said the abundance of those species had since declined on average by 15%.

The researchers note that while some of the monitored species have increased in population, in the last decade alone, 43% have declined.

Certain species of moths, including rosy minor, satyr pug, and grey mountain carpet have declined in population by more than 90%.

Researchers warned that while many of the species in decline are not well-known, they form an integral part of wider environmental health.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is one of the many organisations involved in the newly released report.

Paul Walton, head of species and habitats for RSPB Scotland, said: “Species are the building blocks of ecosystems.

“Every time we allow a species to go into decline, or to be lost from our country, we progressively undermine the health and functions of our ecosystems.

“This is a fundamental problem for the living world, including us. Ecosystems provide food, water, air, they underpin the economy and give us health and wellbeing.

“The State of Nature report shows that not only is Scotland one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world due to historic losses, but that we are still losing nature now.”

He added: “The findings should be a further wake-up call that, despite extraordinary efforts across our society to restore ecosystems, save species and move towards nature-friendly land and sea use, there’s much more we need to do to halt and reverse the declines.

The Herald:

“Thankfully, there are straightforward solutions and plenty of opportunities for the Scottish Parliament to make a difference in the coming months.

“Our nature is declining, but Scotland still has incredible natural treasures, deeply embedded in our culture, that we must urgently conserve and restore. We must take these opportunities before it’s too late.”

Professor Colin Galbraith, chair of NatureScot, added: “Scotland is rich with passion, endeavour and concern for our natural world and, as we work tirelessly to tackle the nature-climate emergency, it is clear that ambition for landscape-scale, collaborative conservation efforts has never been so vital.

“The report is evidence that Scotland’s nature is in crisis, but it also inspires us with what can be achieved by farmers, foresters, communities, charities and scientists when we all take the urgent action needed to protect and restore our ecosystems and species before it is too late.”

Described as  "the most precise scientific report on how Scotland’s nature is faring",  the study sets out to provide a "benchmark for the status of wildlife" by using the latest and best data from monitoring schemes and biological recording centres, collected by thousands of skilled volunteers and professional naturalists, to provide a benchmark for the status of wildlife. 

The analysis has been produced by an array of groups which included among others, the Scottish Government heritage agency NatureScot, RSPB Scotland, WWF Scotland, Plantlife, Buglife, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), Woodland Trust, John Muir Trust, Mammal Society and The Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT).

Biodiversity minister Lorna Slater said the analysis should "leave no one in any doubt about the damaging impact of our rapidly changing climate on Scotland’s precious plants and animals".

She added: “This crisis affects everyone – we all depend on biodiversity for food, clean water, fibres and medicines. It can also help prevent flooding, and contributes to our health and wellbeing. It is the best chance we have to adapt to climate change and ensure we can continue to enjoy nature’s benefits “The Scottish Government is already taking urgent action, for example through our £65 million Nature Restoration Fund and our £250 million peatland restoration programme.

“Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy sets out our goal to be nature positive – halting biodiversity loss by 2030 and reversing declines by 2045. Right now, we’re consulting on the first 5-year Delivery Plan to implement this strategy – along with proposals for new targets for nature restoration that could be put into law, in line with those for climate change.

“Restoring Scotland’s nature creates so many great opportunities for everyone. Communities, businesses, environmental organisations and decision-makers alike, must all work together to reverse biodiversity decline and protect our natural environment for future generations.”