It’s a week of anniversaries for the Billcliffe Gallery this week – one year ago we left our Blythswood Street premises for a new space adjacent to the Glasgow Art Club on Bath Street; and, more importantly, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Michael Corsar joining the Gallery; he was just an assistant then and is now one of the Directors.

Both events are being marked with special exhibitions.

Michael, who is also an artist, is showing a small but select group of his popular landscapes, views of the highlands and waters of the west coast of Scotland where he is a frequent visitor.

The Herald:

Alongside his exhibition is a show of Birthday Card paintings  from our regular exhibitors. Each is just 10 x 10 cm square, quite a challenge, but the exhibition is bursting with colourful images, some jokey and light-hearted, some more serious and contemplative, but all of them very desirable – and to match their small size the prices are equally tempting.

The Roger Billcliffe Gallery in Glasgow, Scotland, is a prominent art gallery renowned for its focus on contemporary and modern art, particularly showcasing Scottish artists. Located in the heart of the city's cultural quarter, the gallery has gained a reputation for curating diverse and dynamic exhibitions that span a wide range of artistic styles and mediums.

The Herald:

Established by Roger Billcliffe in 1992, the gallery has consistently contributed to Glasgow's vibrant arts scene. It features an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, jewelry, and glassware, often displaying works by both emerging talents and established artists.

The gallery is known for its commitment to promoting Scottish artists, providing a platform for local creatives to showcase their talent. The welcoming atmosphere and passionate team at the Roger Billcliffe Gallery ensure a delightful experience for art enthusiasts and visitors, encouraging a deeper appreciation of art and culture.

The Herald:

With its dedication to fostering artistic growth and presenting a rich array of artworks, the Roger Billcliffe Gallery remains a significant cultural hub in Glasgow, attracting both art connoisseurs and those new to the art world.

To view Michael’s exhibition and our show of Birthday Card paintings, please visit Roger Billcliffe Gallery,  185B Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU . T. 0141 221 4053

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